Zane Lowe | zh

There are several Sunflower artists here. This description is about the jazz rock band. Sunflower is a rock band from Leicester, United Kingdom, with influences from jazz and funk styles. Tom Hackwell (Guitar and Vocals) Kate Fowkes (Saxophone & Piano) Ben Le Grice (Bass Guitar) Mark Cardwell (Drums & Percussion) They released their eponymous debut on March 18th, 2010 Sunflower was also a band from Austin, TX in the mid 1990s. They released two albums New Territory and Round Trip. A third Sunflower is an electronica/ambient act, including the full track "Sunflower." The album "Welcome Silence" is of Native...
对于全世界甚至国内金属乐迷而言, Helloween这个乐团可说是无人不知,无人不晓, 其受欢迎的程度绝不下于Iron Maiden,早已是金属迷必备的经典团体。Helloween成军于1984年于德国,并且在Noise唱片的合辑"Death Metal Complilation" 中初发表两首曲子,次年4月首张迷你专辑"Helloween"随之发行, 1996年首张专辑"Walls Of Jericho"与单曲"Judas"已使得该团名声渐盛,而后与Overkill共同办欧周巡回演唱及为Dio暖场更为下一张专辑"Keepers Of The Seven Keys Part 1"(1997)奠下坚固的基础, 此时主唱、吉他手兼团长Kai Hansen也慧眼识英雄地找来接替他的新主唱Michael Kiske, 事后证明其高亢的音色正是该团最重要的特色之一。Helloween的乐风俗称为speedmetal, 或是称继 N.W.O.B.H.M.后所衍生的N.W.O.G.H.M. (New Wave Of German Heavy Metal),高亢的嗓音、双主奏吉他和双大鼓配上快速的旋律为当时的乐坛注入一股生命力, 往后受影响的乐团如Scanner, Heaven's Gates, Chroming Rose, Blind Guardian与X Japan等团都相继地攻战speed metal市场, 证明Helloween的媚力之大,而说到「刺客」及「唐朝」这两岸中国人乐团也同样是Helloween的「受益者」。无论是「恐怖万圣节」或是「海洛英」,它的地位将永远地烙印在每个乐迷的心中。 80 年代末期,由Helloween所催生的德式SpeedMetal可说是首先带起新一代欧陆金属热潮的指标乐派,如今也成为最受欢迎的一种金属型式。对于意大利而言,90年代之前的金属乐历史也并非完全空白,只不过由于环境尚未成熟,多数的乐团仍处在地下乐界活动的状态,不过抬面上倒还是出现了一支意识形态极度骇人的乐团DeathSS,团员皆做 尸、木乃伊、兽人或恶魔的装扮来呈现黑暗恐怖气氛,甚至连BlackMetal中贯用的符号都被采用,不过这时期其在音乐风格上则仍不脱传统重金属的范畴。 Helloween的Keeper Of The Seven Keys的扬名欧洲,为意大利金属音乐的苏醒带来了第一道曙光!接着,由Queensryche、DreamTheater所确立的前卫金属音乐型式,也对意大利乐团产生强烈冲击,两种乐派的相互交击之下,使得意大利的金属洪流逐渐开始高涨,而终于一发不可收拾! Helloween以更流畅的乐曲旋律、壮阔的金属大合唱、充满爆发力的德式速弹风格技压群雄。 .
There are 6 different groups with this name: 1.) Halloween, an American heavy metal band that formed in 1984. They bill themselves as Detroit's Horror Show. Their carrer spans from 1983 to date. 2) Italian heavy metal band (1981-1987). 3.) Halloween, a French symphonic prog band. They existed between 1988-2002 and recorded 5 albums. 4.) Halloween, an obscure 70's Disco-Band. They only recorded one album, "Come See What's It All About". 5.) Hallowe'en, a New Zealand noise pop band. 6.) Halloween, sound effects and music designed for Halloween. 7.) Halloween, a Portuguese Rapper. .
There is more than one artist with the name Flowers. 1) Flowers is Sam, Rachel and Jordan. Upon meeting in 2012, they moved in together and started practicing and writing pop songs in their London living room. Their live performances draw a line between joyous fuzz pop and minimalist brilliance, with screaming distortion eventually calming down to singer Rachel playing solo on a one-stringed bass. 2) The original incarnation of the Australia new wave group Icehouse. They formed in Sydney in 1977 and released the album "Icehouse" under the name Flowers in 1980. Subsequent overseas releases of the album credit...
After almost five months from YUI's break, it was announced that the singer/songwriter will already return to the music industry as a vocalist of the new band Flower Flower. The band was said to be already performing live around Japan and has been doing studio sessions earlier this year which obviously explains that YUI's time from the hiatus was actually used and given for the preparation of the band's debut. Flower Flower is a four-member group which consists of other musicians YUI admires and respects. The band will be making their debut on May 4 at the Japan Jam event...