Valerio Tricoli | zh

Valerio Sanzotta è nato a Roma l’ 8 marzo 1979. Sin da bambino dimostra un grande interesse per la musica ed i genitori gli offrono la possibilità di studiarla e dopo aver provato con il violino ed il pianoforte, sceglie la chitarra che diventa il suo strumento preferito. A 14 anni è affascinato dalle canzoni di Fabrizio De Andrè e in quello stesso periodo si avvicina alla poesia e inizia a comporre le sue prime canzoni. Grazie al suo interesse per l’esistenzialismo francese, scopre la canzone d’oltralpe ed apprezza in particolare autori come George Brassens, George Moustaki e Jacques Brel....
Tangela Tricoli (real name Angela Masson) was the first woman to be type-rated on the Boeing 747 on June 30, 1984. Masson began flying lessons at age 15 at Clover Field in Santa Monica, California. Shortly after getting her pilots license, she started air racing. At age 21 while flying in the Powder Puff Derby she set a record as the youngest person to fly coast to coast in a high performance aircraft. In 1971 she trained armed forces pilot cadets at fellow aviatrix Claire Walters Flight School to build her flight experience, getting over 1,000 flight hours in less...
Valerio Tricoli was born in 1977 in Palermo, Italy. Even though he can play with acoustic instruments, he's best known as a performer using analogue electronic devices. .
Valerio Scanu (born 10 April 1990 in La Maddalena, Italy) is an Italian singer. He has been compared to Michael Bublé and Josh Groban for his deep and strong voice. In 2008 Valerio took part at the eighth edition of the italian talent show "Amici di Maria De Filippi". .
"Italian galactico Valerio Cosi returns with his second album for foxglove, and raises the stakes considerably. He bends his saxophone into a glistening array of aural armaments, channelling the ghosts of giants, these spaced-out, eastern-infused missives. Cosi is a master at bending tones and meshing multiple instruments and styles into a cohesive unit. Layers of guitars, horns, percussion and more create everything from whimsical pop to sprawling, esoteric drone. "The Spiritual Committee" is the perfect homage to the roman gods of yore." - FD. Edition of 100 copies. .