Tykoon Suit | zh

Honeymoon Suite是一支来自加拿大的乐队,1982年组建于安大略省的尼亚加拉瀑布,最初成员只有主唱Johnnie Dee和吉他手Derry Grehan。随后发表的单曲《New Girl Now》不仅赢得了多伦多电台举办的地下乐队大赛冠军,同时还为他们赢得了一纸来自WEA公司的合同。之后原Toronto乐队贝司手Gary Lalonde、键盘手Ray Coburn 以及鼓手Dave Betts 相继加盟该乐队。 1984年,他们发行了首张同名专辑,其中有四首歌曲都排在了排行榜的前十位,分别是:《New Girl Now》, 《Burning In Love》, 《Wave Babies》还有 《Stay In the Light》,特别是《New Girl Now》 打入了美国排行榜的前五十。(说实话本人只喜欢 《Burning In Love》,其他的只是很普通的流行金属) 随后发行的由 Bruce Fairbairn制作的专辑《The Big Prize》包含了四首主打"Feel It Again", "What Does It Take", "Bad Attitude", and "All Along You Knew",这张专辑同样在加拿大取得了不俗的成绩............. 2006年乐队继续在加拿大作巡回演出,包括和Glass Tiger一起参加co-headlining tour。最新发表的一张双CD专辑《Feel It Again: An Anthology》包含了他们历年来的精选以及一些珍贵从未发行的小样 .
SUITE CHIC is the name of a special project bringing together well-known names from Japanese hip-hop and R&B. It is centered around vocalist Namie Amuro. Having released two albums and two singles, SUITE CHIC allowed Namie to explore using R&B in her work and also served as an introduction for many of the artists involved to the music scene, helping them gain recognition. The idea of SUITE CHIC emerged from a conversation between VERBAL (of m-flo) and IMAI Ryôsuke: the two found themselves debating who could be the Japanese equivalent of Janet Jackson. Both came up with Amuro Namie's name...
Bersuit Vergarabat, formed in 1989 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is one of the most important Argentine rock bands of the 1990s/2000s. After 2 albums of underground transgressive rock, the band started mixing it with Latin American rhythms such a cumbia, chacarera, candombe and cuartetazo. The lyrics, though, remained acid and critical of political and social problems. The current line-up is: Gustavo Cordera (voice), Juan Subirá (keyboards and voice), Carlos Martín (drums), Oscar Righi (guitar), "Pepe" Céspedes (bass guitar and voice), Daniel Suárez (voice), Alberto Verenzuela (guitar), and "Cóndor" Sbarbatti (voice and charango); previous members include Charly Bianco (guitar and voice)...
 来自佛罗里达的的5人组,包括Ronnie Winter (vocals)、Elias Reidy (guitar)、Duke Kitchens (guitar)、Joey Westwood (bass)和Jon Wilkes (drums),平均年龄只有21岁。   初听这群年青人处女专辑的确是用了时间和心在里面,他们的音乐流淌着坚定、饥饿和年青的活力。尤其是他们将pop-punk, pop, screamo和 metal这几种元素组合在一起的时候,会给我们带来即惊异又爽快的感觉。   乐队创始人是Winter和Kitchens,在2003年两人就凭借的兴趣搞了几个小样,放在了网站上供人下载(就是传说中的“网络歌手”),没想到大受好评。于是在网友们的鼓励下,两个找到了当地的录音工作室发行了他们的EP并红透了整个佛罗里达。三年来乐队不断扩充固定了这5个人,并签约了大公司,在名牌制作人 David Bendeth(Hawthorne Heights和Breaking Benjamin的制作人)制作下,于今年发行了他们处女大碟《Don't You Fake It》来证明他们歌曲要比他们的名字更酷!   2009年推出新专辑《Lonely Road》!   其专辑《Don't You Fake It》中部分音乐被韩国星际联赛2007 EVER OSL采用为主题音乐,相当震撼! .