The Honey Sisters | zh

CHiCO with HoneyWorks is a group composed of vocalist CHiCO and producer group HoneyWorks, which is well known for composing VOCALOID songs. .
There are several artists with the name Honeymoon 1) Honeymoon is a pop-group from Mongolia 2) Honeymoon is a shoegaze/dreampop band from Brooklyn, New York 3) honeymoon is a folk-pop group from Monterey, CA with an eponymous EP released. 4) Honeymoon is a post-hardcore band from Norwalk, Ohio .
Honey Bee is the name of two artists: 1. Honey Bee was the alias of Dutch pop singer Patricia Paay, active from the 1960s to the 1980s. 2. Honey Bee is also a Japanese all-girl group. Honey Bee was formed by YURIA in 2002. They released their debut song, titled セピアカラーの迷路を抜けて♪, in 2003. At the time of writing, Honey Bee has released six singles under various labels since their debut. They released their first album, Honey Bee I (Mellow Head label), on July 26th, 2006. The original band members were YURIA (vocals & guitar), SALA (bass), RIO (guitar), and CHACO...
Honeymoon Suite是一支来自加拿大的乐队,1982年组建于安大略省的尼亚加拉瀑布,最初成员只有主唱Johnnie Dee和吉他手Derry Grehan。随后发表的单曲《New Girl Now》不仅赢得了多伦多电台举办的地下乐队大赛冠军,同时还为他们赢得了一纸来自WEA公司的合同。之后原Toronto乐队贝司手Gary Lalonde、键盘手Ray Coburn 以及鼓手Dave Betts 相继加盟该乐队。 1984年,他们发行了首张同名专辑,其中有四首歌曲都排在了排行榜的前十位,分别是:《New Girl Now》, 《Burning In Love》, 《Wave Babies》还有 《Stay In the Light》,特别是《New Girl Now》 打入了美国排行榜的前五十。(说实话本人只喜欢 《Burning In Love》,其他的只是很普通的流行金属) 随后发行的由 Bruce Fairbairn制作的专辑《The Big Prize》包含了四首主打"Feel It Again", "What Does It Take", "Bad Attitude", and "All Along You Knew",这张专辑同样在加拿大取得了不俗的成绩............. 2006年乐队继续在加拿大作巡回演出,包括和Glass Tiger一起参加co-headlining tour。最新发表的一张双CD专辑《Feel It Again: An Anthology》包含了他们历年来的精选以及一些珍贵从未发行的小样 .
Scissor Sisters 中译“剪刀姐妹”,名子与实际大相径庭,成员大部分是男的。这个乐队来自纽约。Scissor Sisters 彻底复古70年代DISCO,以迷幻摇滚,放克摇滚与迪斯科元素,配上假声唱法,玩弄性别打扮风靡英国。他们所有的歌曲几乎都是中快节奏,可以让人跟随起舞。 Scissor Sisters (剪刀姐妹乐队) 成立于2001年,5名热爱音乐的年轻人对60年代的摇滚乐和70年代的DISCO音乐情有独钟,因此他们创作的歌曲多为较为传统的中快节奏、舞曲风格加上假声唱法,充满浓浓的怀旧情结,让听歌的人随时想翩翩起舞。直到2004年,他们才被英国的唱片公司选中发行首张唱片《The Scissor Sisters》,英国本土销量达到了230万张。 2006年9月,乐队返回美国发行第二张唱片《Ta-dah》,作为一支在外国成名的美国本土乐队,歌迷对《Ta-dah》的发行充满了期待,众多音评杂志也多为赞誉之辞。唱片依旧是带有一点复古情结的舞曲风格,同时又糅合了“芳克”摇滚、迷幻摇滚的元素。 .