The Grand Silent System | zh

爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande),1993年6月26日出生于美国佛罗里达州伯克莱屯市,美国新生代女歌手、演员。 2008年,爱莉安娜·格兰德出演百老汇音乐剧《Thirteen》中的夏洛特而成名。2010年,出演美剧《Victorious》(胜利之歌)中的CaterinaValentine。2011年8月10日,爱莉安娜·格兰德与环球唱片签约。 2013年12月,首张专辑《Yours Truly》 凭借13万3的首周销量夺冠,成为继2012年Alicia Keys专辑Girl on Fire的15万9首周后,R&B嘻哈女歌手最高首周。 2014年8月25日,发行了个人第二张专辑《My Everything (Deluxe)》,并在公告牌专辑榜首周空降冠军 。同年12月,获得格莱美“年度最佳二人组/团体”奖和“最受欢迎演唱专辑”两个提名。2015年11月23日,爱莉安娜·格兰德获得第43届全美音乐奖“最受欢迎流行/摇滚女歌手”奖项。 2016年5月20日,发行第三张录音室专辑《Dangerous Woman》,发行首周空降英国、澳大利亚、荷兰等10个地区的专辑榜冠军,美国公告牌专辑榜亚军。 .
There are at least two bands known as Silent Siren: 1. Silent Siren (サイレント サイレン), known as SaiSai by fans, is a Japanese girl band formed in the summer of 2010 by four 'reader models' (読者モデル, dokusha model), Yoshida Sumire "Suu", Yamauchi Aina "Ainyan", Umemura Hinako "Hinanchu" and Sogawa Ayana "Yana" from the Japanese fashion magazine CUTiE. They have been preforming at live venues ever since, and released their first mini-album "SaiSai" on 8th February 2011 under the label 'Brand-New Music'. In July 2012, Silent Siren held their first Japanese national tour "Silent Siren Live Tour SaiSai Cycle ~Hajimemashite, SaiSai...
南加州四人摇滚乐团System Of A Down, 98年发行首张同名专辑,融合Metal、Hard Core Punk、Rap及中东音乐...等丰富且戏剧性十足的音乐特色,及对政治社会、个人生命提出批判论点著称,获得英国摇滚权威杂志Kerrang!及美国 Metal Edge杂志评为“1998年度乐团”及“1999最热门新进团体”。Armenia. 1995-2006 good! System of a Down从组建开始就是这样一个另类。作为和Korn、Deftones、Limp Bizkit等Nu-Metal一批的乐队,SOAD从一开始就走出了不一样的一步。主唱Serj Tankian嘹亮而神经质的唱腔,Daron Malakian用旋律奇特而灵动的riff把SOAD和其他只会drop-D的乐队分离开来,而Shavo Odadjian和John Dolmayan组成的节奏部分则为Serj和Daron的疯狂提供了足够支持。   “Shavo says, You can compare us to whoever you want. I dont care. Comparisons and labels have no effect on this band. Fact is fact: We are who we are and they are who they are.   John says, I dont think we sound like anybody else. I consider us System of a Down.”   近期有一个除了在他们家乡外鲜为人知的新兴乐队,在不借助广播或MTV等媒体帮助的情况下,迅速窜红,并给人留下了极为深刻的印象,这支乐队的名字叫作System Of A Down。 System Of A Down最与众不同之处在于,尽管他们的音乐充满了硬摇滚的成分,但却没有迷失在当前一些摇滚乐坛主导乐队诸如Limp Bizkit,Korn以及Kid Rock等的影响之下。System Of A Down把众多的音乐元素,包括金属乐、Punk、Hop-hip、东欧音乐以及前卫爵士乐等有机地结合起来,并创作出了完全属于他们自己的音乐风格。   正如乐队的主唱Serj Tankian所说的“我们从每种音乐中提取一些东西,并尽量避免借鉴时的生搬硬套”。正是由于他们个性鲜明而又与众不同的音乐,使得他们的首张同名专辑成为了去年的最佳专辑之一。 1993年音乐人Serj Tankian(主唱)与Davon Malakian(吉他手)在洛杉矶首次见面,这次见面纯属巧合,因为当时俩人各自的乐队正在同一个屋子里进行彩排。正是在这次邂逅之后,他们组建了一个新的组合,名为Soil。Shavo Odadjian最初是这个新兴组合的经纪人,而到了1995年后,则充当起了乐队的贝司手。在经历了人员的几度更替之后,Soil乐队最终成为了目前的System Of A Down,并由John Dolmayan担任乐队的鼓手。   凭借其独特的演唱和充满激情的表演,System Of A Down乐队在洛杉矶迅速走红。此后,乐队成为了众多著名唱片公司如Universal、Roadrunner以及American等竞相签约的对象,而最终在1997年System...
There are at least three artists with the name Silent Majority. 1. Silent Majority formed on long island in the mid-90's and became one of the most influential hardcore bands from the area. Tom currently sings for Capital. Many people consider them to be the best hardcore band originating from Long Island of their time Silent Majority started 1990, as something of a joke band called Splastic Action. The band was started by Tommy Corrigan on vocals, Rich Jacovina on guitar, Jim Mallin on bass and I believe Tommy's brother Steve on drums. I'm pretty sure Ryan Heyner joined a...
A rock band with violins and a cello. Most people have shown mixed reactions to this mixture; some are amazed, some are doubtful, some are just plain interested. Truly, the sight of these classical instruments side-by-side with electric guitars is not really common. However, the truth is, this group of young individuals is just like any other band - they are set in making good music and sharing it to others. This is Silent Sanctuary. The band has been around the local music scene for quite sometime now. Though their kind of music has evolved through the years due to...
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