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提到Rainbow乐队,自然想起传奇人物Ritchie Blackmore。1968年Blackmore和朋友一起组建了Deep Purple乐队(与Led Zeppeline、Black Sabbath并称为英国金属乐始祖),在此期间奠定了其无人替代的新古典(前卫)吉它大师地位。1974年Blackmore离队组建了另一支在摇滚乐历史上拥有显赫地位的乐队 —— Rainbow。Ritchie Blackmore和极具魅力的灵魂人物Ronnie James Dio(主唱)、Mickey Lee Soule(键盘手)、Craig Gruber(贝司手)、Gary Driscoll(鼓手)组建了Rainbow乐队,并迅速成为七十年代较成功的金属乐队。 Rainbow乐队接连发行了《Ritchie Blackmore‘s Rainbow》(1975)、《Rainbow Rising》(1976)等不错的专辑,而失去Blackmore的Deep Purple则很快为乐迷所遗忘。七十年代末,朋克兴起,重金属发展一度被抑制。但Rainbow的表现还不错,尽管乐队成员一再更换,但他们始终坚持自己的风格并最终靠乐队第三张专辑《Long Live Rock 'n' Roll》(1978)获得商业上的成功。然而这是Dio在Rainbow的最后一张专辑,而专辑的贝司手是未来Ozzy Osbourne乐队的贝司手Bob Daisley,他也就只是在Rainbow乐队里客串了这一回。 刚进入八十年代,重金属音乐界就失去了两位杰出的人物 —— 1980年1月20日,AC/DC的主唱Bon Scott由于酗酒导致急性酒精中毒去世。同年的9月25日,Led Zeppelin的鼓手John Bonham同样因为酗酒去世,Led Zeppelin也因此解散,就此结束了乐队的传奇生涯。然而,如果我们仅仅把目光集中在悲剧上,无疑将会错过很多异常精彩的事物,这其中最令人激动的莫过于轰轰烈烈的英国新浪潮重金属运动(New Wave Of British Heavy Metal,NWOBHM)了。到了1981年,NWOBHM的发展达到了鼎盛时期,涌现出无数的NWOBHM乐队。 游离于NWOBHM之外的是几支老资格的重金属乐队,包括Ritchie Blackmore的Rainbow、传奇的Black Sabbath以及离开Black Sabbath的主唱Ozzy Osbourne等。其中表现最出色的要算是Rainbow。由于乐队1978年的专辑《Long Live Rock 'n' Roll》取得的巨大成功,使得Rainbow在进入八十年代以后仍然能够继续战斗在重金属的第一线。他们的成功甚至还帮了处于困境中的Black Sabbath一个大忙 —— Rainbow原来的主唱Dio顶替了Ozzy的位置,使得Black Sabbath得以继续拥有一个完整的阵容并在进入八十年代后发行了专辑《Heaven and Hell》(1980)和《The Mob Rules》(1981),这两张专辑的表现也算差强人意。 实际上Rainbow乐队除了Ritchie Blackmore之外,其他乐手换得非常频繁,几乎是每张专辑都是一套新的阵容,所以到了1984年Ritchie Blackmore重返Deep Purple乐队的时候,Rainbow乐队也就解散了。 1993年,Ritchie Blackmore再次离开Deep Purple乐队后,短暂重组了Rainbow乐队,名称改回了最初的Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow,并在1995年发行了一张《Stranger in Us All》专辑。Candice Night参与了这张专辑歌曲的创作和背景和声。 1997年,Ritchie Blackmore的音乐生涯发生了一次重要转折,他和年龄相差了26岁的妻子Candice Night组成了一个夫妻音乐组合 —— Blackmore’s Night,开始涉足他钻研已久的欧洲中世纪和世界其他地域的民谣。如今,Blackmore’s Night在New Age与World Music的音乐领域已颇富盛名。而Ritchie Blackmore也成为少数能够成功跨界Rock、New Age和World Music的艺人。尽管历经多次的变革,Ritchie Blackmore却一直如同一棵常青树,保持着旺盛的生命力,活跃在国际乐坛,可谓摇滚乐历史上的一个不朽传奇。 .
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantasy_Rainbow: Fantasy Rainbow are an indie rock band based in Manchester, England. The band formed in May 2011 in Richmond, North Yorkshire. Initially conceived as a bedroom recording outfit but now a signed recording artist, Fantasy Rainbow is the brainchild of Oliver Catt who writes, records and performs live with a revolving collective of local musicians. Initial tracks were recorded with friend and local producer, Jonathan Coddington and released on the Gateshead based Tiny Lights Recordings and over the course of nine months the band released three releases in the shape of the Teens EP, the Healthy Lung, Dirty...
USA "Rainbows Are Free's sonic locus appears on the rock n roll family tree at the point where proto-metal and psychedelia shared a common apocryphal ancestor before branching off into their own distinct lineages. Believers in Medicine is indicative of this relationship, ripe with heavy riffage and stoner swagger"- Richie Tarver Rainbows Are Free formed in late 2007 as the conglomerate of several long time heavy rock n roll bands from Norman, OK. In February 2008, RAF self-released an eponymous demo EP. A year later they began work on a full length album Belivers In Medicine which was released in...
'The Peppermint Rainbow' were a bubblegum pop / sunshine pop group from Baltimore, Maryland, known for their close male and female vocals and good-feeling vibe. They formed in 1967 under the name 'New York Times' and played local gigs in the mid-Atlantic states before changing their name to the 'Peppermint Rainbow' in 1968. They were signed to Decca Records at the behest of Cass Elliot, who saw them play and sang with them on-stage when they performed a medley of Mamas & Papas tunes. One of the many talented acts to pass quickly through the pop music firmament and disappear...