Steel Reign | zh

Foreigner is a British-American rock band, originally formed in 1976 by the veteran English musician Mick Jones and fellow Briton and ex-King Crimson member Ian McDonald along with American vocalist Lou Gramm. The current incarnation of the band includes Jones, lead vocalist Kelly Hansen, bass guitarist Jeff Pilson and multi-instrumentalist Tom Gimbel. With ten multi-platinum albums and sixteen Top 30 hits, Foreigner is universally hailed as one of the most popular rock acts in the world with a formidable musical arsenal that continues to propel sold-out tours and album sales, now exceeding 75 million. Responsible for some of rock and...
1.) John Steel was an American vocalist who found his biggest success in the 1920s. Described by musicologist Allan Sutton as a “working man’s John McCormack,” Steel was signed to the Victor Talking Machine Company in 1919, the same year he starred in “The Ziegfeld Follies of 1919.” An Actors Equity strike that year brought Steel into the headlines when, although siding with strikers, he was legally forced to perform. Steel went on to star in “The Ziegfeld Follies of 1920” and released a series of hit records, including “The Girls of My Dreams,” “The Love Nest” and “A Pretty...
Texas based Heavy Electronics project since 1999. Founded by J. Stillings and L. Kerr. World class Death Industrial soundscapes with scathing vocals, influenced by European style death industrial from the 90's. SHP explore the concept of horrors that human beings are capable of inflicting upon eachother. From arcane medical practices, genocide, war, atrocities and numerous other vulgar displays that have cycled during the timeline of our civilization. .
■ 成立 斯迪利·丹是70年代最有活力的乐队之一,但它也是一支十分难归类的乐队。1972年,制作人加里·卡茨把歌曲作者沃尔特·贝克尔和唐纳德·费根引荐位于美国西海岸的Dunhill公司工作,该公司属于美国广播公司。尽管当时贝克尔和费根已经给电影《说到做到》(1971)配乐,但是仍没有人愿意演唱他们的作品。因此卡茨建议他俩找一些小有名气的职业乐手帮忙,由他们自己来推出唱片,贝克尔和费根分别演奏贝司和键盘。这样,乐队便初步成立了。 ■ 发展 他们的首张专辑《难得刺激》就获得成功,其中选出的两首单曲《再来一次》和《摇摇晃晃过日子》双双成为全美排行榜前20名歌曲。随后,鼓手吉姆·霍德、吉他手丹尼·迪亚斯以及杰夫·巴克斯特正式长期加入了乐队。但是,在乐队以后所有专辑中,使用乐队以外的乐手一直是一个固定的方式。 ■ 分手 伍迪同他的“平民百姓大乐队”(Thundering Herd Big Band)录制了费根和贝克尔的5首作品,这5首作品中,费根和贝克尔的爵士乐倾向非常明显。但是他俩这一音乐特征体现得最淋漓致尽的,还是要数他俩合作的最后一张“斯迪利·丹”名义下的专辑《高卓人》。专辑中的一首《嘿,十九岁》是斯迪利·丹自1974年的《里基别丢了那个号码》(Rikki Don't Lose That Number)以来在美国最成功的歌曲,它进入了排行榜的前10名。1981年,贝克尔和费根结束了他俩近10年的合作关系。 ■ 重聚 从他们散伙之日起,关于乐队要重组的谣言一直没有停息过。费根1982年在Warner公司推出的首张个人专辑《夜航》(The Nightfly)十分出色,从中选出的单曲《I.G.Y.(多美的世界)》(I.G.Y.What a Beautiful World)也小有成绩。1986年,费根和贝克尔出现在罗西·维拉(Rosie Vela)的专辑Zazu中,新闻报道宣称他俩在准备重组“斯迪利·丹”乐队。1990年,两人再度合作,3年后推出费根的专辑Kamakiriad。     ■乐队风格   斯迪利·丹树立起一种节奏步鲁斯同摇滚音乐紧密相关的独特风格,并且音乐中常体现出源自他们爵士乐背景的一种怪僻的色彩,这一点从乐队的名字中就能看出。贝克尔和费根的歌词是乐队成功的关键,他们创作的歌词常常是愤世嫉俗的,偶尔又模糊难懂,但却始终诙谐有趣。尽管贝克尔和费根所受提爵士乐教育,但斯迪利·丹却是一支十足的摇滚乐队。在乐队的音乐创作中,来自爵士乐的技巧和摇滚乐上的创造力是同样出色的。 .
Medieval Steel are an American epic metal band from Memphis, TN, which was formed in 1982. The band released a self-titled EP in 1984, a demo in 1989 and a compilation album, "The Dungeon Tapes", in 2005. This album contains all of the tracks from the aforementioned EP plus newly recorded songs. .