Samantha 7 | zh

Samantha Karen "Sam" Fox (born April 15, 1966 in Mile End, London, England) is a former English glamour model and singer. In the mid-1980s, she started a successful singing career, working with notable music producers such as Stock Aitken Waterman and Full Force. Her debut single, "Touch Me (I Want Your Body)", released when she was just 20 years old, made the Top 10 in England and topped the charts in many countries. So far, Fox has sold over 30 million records worldwide. It was one of the biggest selling singles of the 1980s in Australia. Her debut live performance...
Mumba was born in Drumcondra, Dublin, Ireland to Peter Mumba, a Zambian aircraft engineer and Barbara, an airhostess with Aer Lingus, who is Irish; she has a brother, Omero Mumba, who is an actor. Between the ages of 3 and 15, she was a student at Dublin's renowned Billie Barry Stage School. In 1998, she was cast as the lead in The Hot Mikado, a jazzy production based on Gilbert and Sullivan's opera. She also appeared in several Irish television shows, using the opportunity to be recognised as a singer. At the age of 15, Mumba was discovered in a...
Samantha Fu is David Dewaele and Stephen Dewaele, also known as 2 Many DJ's and leading members of Soulwax. They produced the dance track Theme from Discotheque in 2001 for a dancegroup called Kung Fu, based in Ghent, Belgium. .
Samantha Ronson 生日:1977年8月7日 星座:狮子座 出生地:英国 伦敦 (London, England, UK) 职业:Hip hop Pop/Rock 音乐DJ、歌手兼创作人 设计师(设计鞋) 萨曼莎·罗森(Samantha Ronson)是著名的DJ,家庭在好莱坞非常有名,母亲是作家兼名流Ann Dexter-Jones,生父是Laurence Ronson是地产公司老板,继父Mick Jones是个有名的音乐人,哥哥马克·罗森(Mark Ronson)是很有名的歌手,孪生姐姐夏罗特·罗森(Charlotte Ronson)是著名设计师,拥有自己的品牌。 萨曼莎·罗森(Samantha Ronson)有犹太,俄罗斯、立陶宛、奥地利的血统。她的继父是一个点唱机英雄 - 外国人乐队(Foreigner)的米克琼斯( Mick Jones) - 她的哥哥马克·罗森(Mark Ronson)是个明星DJ - 所以萨曼莎想要成为家里的重要成员,就必须清楚自己的风格.直到她20岁,才发现自己的音乐天赋.   SAM在音乐中成长, 她随着Foreigner乐队去进行度假并且翘课呆在继父的工作室,可她却对玩音乐不感兴趣。 但是,在高中毕业后在巴黎呆了一年,回到纽约,发现没有可听的音乐了。SAM就想自己弹唱并作词。那是她还是一个闭塞的音乐人,直到一个非同寻常的机会找到了她.   “一天晚上我接到一家我经常去玩儿的夜店的电话,他们说,'你想当DJ么?'“Ronson回忆说。 “我当时想,'不可能'[但是]我的朋友说,'来吧,做做看吧。那能有多难呢?'我总是在夜店。[我想我]可能会得到报酬,SAM抓住了这个机会,一开始她知道她只是代替她哥好让哥哥专心完成他的专辑,SAM继续做着DJ并且技术日益娴熟,直到DJ成为她的全职.   “我是一个不错的DJ。我给自己的道具。”Ronson得到的不仅仅是道具。 她在旋转在全国一些最引人注目的音乐会。杰西卡辛普森出现在生日晚会上,林赛罗韩在美国音乐奖,ElleGirl舞会,搅拌机,美心,国际金融公司奖,在超级碗,圣丹斯和在迈阿密的VMA的Playstation。   Ronson的职业生涯显示减弱的迹象。她继续在日常工作方面提供,并说她爱她在干什么。“这是最好的工作,我能想象:玩音乐,我的爱,我的朋友混在一起,给人们的东西跳舞。 歌曲:Built This Way   If It's Gonna Rain   99 Problems   Pull My Hair Out   Worse Than Cigarettes   Bette Davis Eyes   Boys Don't Cry   Make Believe   Angels   Pedestals   Kiss Me   I'm Not The One   I Don't Need Anybody   Walking On Air   Fool   Play Stop Rewind   All I Need   Wanted   2 B More Happy Mix   Tomorrow Always Comes   Cadillac 2002 .