Roberta Gostosona | zh

美国老牌黑人女歌手Roberta Flack,在美国歌坛被奉为前辈级歌后,在70年代,她的歌声几乎家喻户晓,红透世界。1972年,第15届格莱美音乐奖颁奖典礼首次移到乡村乐的故乡纳什维尔举行,Roberta Flack因她的 “我第一次看到了你的脸”而获得年度单曲奖和年度最佳歌曲奖;1973年,第16届格莱美音乐奖在这一年再次回到洛杉矶举行颁奖仪式, Roberta Flack再显雄风,以一曲“Killing me softly with this song”而获得了年度最佳单曲和最佳流行女歌手两项大奖。 Roberta Flack2 她的曲风为带有流行色彩的“轻柔爵士”,嗓音厚实,略带沙哑,高亢嘹亮,中气十足,同时也蕴藏多变的真假声技巧,像“Killing me softly with his song”等经典名曲,就是由她首唱而传遍世界的。现在,Roberta Flack虽然隐退歌坛,但像玛多纳、惠特尼-休斯顿等后生巨星,均曾经拜她为师,学习唱功。她也会应邀偶然出现在白宫,为总统以及国宾表演。 .
Roberta Campos is a Brazilian singer. .
Las Robertas is a band from San José, Costa Rica. Bandmembers are: Mercedes Oller (vocals, guitar), Sonia Carmona (vocals, bass) and Fabro Duran (vocals, drums). Las Robertas released their debut full-length album “Cry Out Loud” in May 2010 and started gaining immediate popularity through well-recognized blogs (Hipster Runoff, Gorilla vs. Bear, AlteredZones, The Dumbing of America). One month after the album release, the band is contacted by Californian record label 'Art Fag Recordings' to make a new-mastered version of their production. Mixed by Jon Greene (Dum Dum Girls, Crocodiles) and mastered by Pete Lyman (No Age, Male Bonding and Abe...