Retro Cowboys of Delta Dineenadelica | zh

Delta Heavy was born the moment Ben Hall and Si James decided to pursue their ambition of mediocre fame, semi fortune and making loud music, in the hope of averting forty long years in an office. Despite a complete lack of production experience, three years of hard work paid off when their track Abort was released on Viper Recordings in mid 2010. Having been a regular on dance floors all year, it topped download charts and received support on Radio 1 from Zane Lowe and others. Combining their love of cinematic soundscapes, house, techno and the 80s with the impact...
有些人注定就是要做明星的,就像Delta Goodrem。 1984年11月出生在悉尼的Delta Goodrem,7 岁就开始在演艺圈里打滚儿,先是在广告里扮可爱,接着又在电视剧里装天真。12岁那年,她用上电视赚来的钱租了个录音室,把自己创作的五首歌曲外加一首她演唱的澳大利亚国歌录成了一张DEMO,寄给了她最喜爱的足球队——Sydney Swans,希望有朝一日能为球队在主场演唱国歌,结果球队转手把DEMO CD交给了他们的铁杆球迷兼著名经纪人Glenn Wheatley,就这样,三年后,在Glenn Wheatley的精心调教下,SONY唱片签下了Delta Goodrem。 2003年,Delta Goodrem的第一张专辑『Innocent Eyes』问世,当年就为她拿下了ARIA最佳流行专辑、最佳新人-专辑、最佳新人-单曲、最佳女艺人、最畅销单曲、最畅销专辑和年度单曲奖7项桂冠和年度专辑奖等6项提名。从澳洲、英国、新西兰到香港、台湾、大陆,从十几岁的小屁孩到我这样的单身大叔,引无数乐迷尽折腰,几乎所有人都认为,这将会是 Kylie Minogue之后又一位为澳大利亚赢得国际声誉的流行巨星。 Delta Goodrem从小就接受过良好的古典钢琴训练,不但能弹会唱,还会自己作词,这张专辑里的大部分曲子都是出自她自己之手。既有偶像派的资本又有实力派的功底,再加上 SONY的力捧,这样的美女想不红基本上很难,直到2003年7月她被查出患有Hodgkin's disease(据说是一种淋巴肿瘤)。 这场意外让Delta Goodrem不得不暂别舞台,并打乱了她进军美国市场的计划,或许是为了抢回失去的时光,Delta Goodrem大病初愈SONY就为她找来了Robbie Williams的御用制作人Guy Chambers,并迫不及待地在2004年11月就推出了第二张个人专辑『Mistaken Identity』,就像这张专辑的中文译名那样,这是个美丽错误。 在Guy Chambers的改造下,Delta Goodrem在第二张专辑里大飚高音,就象她崇拜的Mariah Carey、Celine Dion那样。可是Guy Chambers也许忘了,Delta Goodrem真正动人的并不是高亢的嗓音,而是她典雅抒情的中板歌曲,在这全民选秀的年代,不管什么American idol、Australian idol、这idol那超女,靠高音搏出位的年轻人一抓一大把,SONY指望用高音路线打造第二个Kylie根本就不靠谱。 事实也证明了这一点。这张新专辑在澳大利亚本土都销量平平,更别提海外市场了,销量仅名列当年ARIA TOP100专辑榜的第13位,在ARIA TOP100单曲榜上也仅有两首单曲入围,最好名次仅仅排在第20位,在ARIA Awards上更是颗粒无收,这样的成绩根本无法让人把Delta Goodrem和有着innocent eyes的那位明日之星联系在一起。 我们现在能听到的Delta Goodrem的最新作品,是今年3月15日她在墨尔本第18届英联邦运动会开幕式上带来的一首“Together We Are One”,这首歌已经在愚人节那天发了单曲CD,而她的第三张专辑则要到2007年才能推出。在澳洲乐坛,有些艺人基本上可以算是个完美的句号了,比如 Kylie Minogue;有些人的出现则象是个大大的惊叹号,比如Missy Higgins;而站在十字路口的Delta Goodrem就象一个硕大的问号,是下一站天后,还是明日黄花,也许2007年就能揭晓。 回到『Innocent Eyes』。这张专辑的水平非常平均,也就没什么可特别推荐的了。“Born To Try”是Delta Goodrem初试啼声的招牌曲,也是电台点播和集锦碟的最爱,典型的中板抒情风格;Not me, Not I是首有点伤感的歌曲,也是我一向偏爱的调调;碟里还有一首“Throw It Away”,出自Cathy Dennis(Kylie Minogue著名单曲“Can't Get You Out Of My Head”的创作者)之手,也很有味道。SONY唱片特别在这张专辑里让Delta Goodrem秀了秀她的琴技,象Predictable等曲子都有大段的钢琴独奏,不过我压根儿就没听出Delta Goodrem10多年的专业功底来,因为几乎全是练习曲的技术水平,呵呵。 .
Born in January of 2010 in Canterbury, Delta Sleep was driven by a desire to create fun and original, forward-thinking music. Their songs combines guitar driven melodies, held together by jazz influenced percussion and relentless bass, topped with sprinkles of passionate shouts and lulling chants. To coin Delta Sleep's sound is a hard task indeed, but has once been described by a wise old man as an "enchanted battle between Don Cab and At The Drive-In for the city of Radiohead in the land of Faraquet". Their playfulness invokes sugarcoated riffs, and their hospitality will warm you through on a...
The Delta are Marcus Maichel (X-Dream), Wayan Raabe & Arne Schaffhausen (Spirallianz,Extrawelt,Midi Miliz),a techno trance project from Germany. .
Renowned for pumping out high-energy jams & ferocious, sweat-soaked live shows, Melbourne psych-rockers, The Delta Riggs had a massive 2014! They dropped their curiously-titled second album, ‘Dipz Zebazios’ to rave reviews & Triple J Feature Album, toured extensively through Australia, Europe and The UK and found new friends & fans in tour buddies Kasabian & the legendary Jimmy Page. With "Dipz" receiving plenty of love at home, the band ventured to CMJ & Culture Collide '14 festivals in the USA, leaving capacity crowds buzzing. FOO FIGHTERS management were so impressed after catching The ‘Riggs’ final LA show, that they were...