Requisitio Sensus Aeternum | zh

Aeternum Sacris appears to be an artist from Japan. There is very little information on the net about him. Style wise Aeternum Sacris is similar to Shape of Despair, Doom:Vs and Forest of Shadows but with no clean vocals at all, thus far. Musical soundscapes, melodic, heavy as hell, deep end growl vocals, subtle keyboards, its all there for the taking. Aeternum Sacris does have a Myspace page with a link to download his first demo 'The Beginning Of The End ' from rapidshare. Highly recommended. .
One man project Sensus leads to the area of electronic experimental music still more from the half of the 90ties. Influenced by many music styles, arts, nature and happening all around Sensus tries to mix together instrumental sounds, field recordings, his own recordings and synthetic sounds, in original or deformed form, with his own way. Accidentality is for Czech musician the important element of his work, enriching his music. So each track with its atmosphere, structure or BPM can be more or less similar to known electronic (or others) music styles or it wholly frees from them. .
The Special Consensus, or "Special C", is a four-person acoustic band based in Chicago, Illinois USA. They play primarily bluegrass, including traditional and contemporary standards, as well as compositions by band members. The Special Consensus tour year-round, focusing on the Traditional American Music (TAM) program they created to introduce students to bluegrass music. Special Consensus has had numerous members come and go since its start in 1975, but the one constant has been founding member and banjo/vocalist Greg Cahill. He has conducted classes and workshops at bluegrass festivals and at Chicago's Old Town School of Folk Music and has released...
A swedish black / death metal band formed in 1994.They were originally known as Behemoth (Swe), and released the first two demos under that name before changing to In Aeternum in 1994. Their most recent release is 'The Blasphemy Returns' EP on Pulverised records, released 2016. 2016 line-up: David "Impious" Larsson - Guitar, Vocals Joel Lindholm - Guitar Perra Karlsson - Drums Claes "Clabbe" Ramberg - Bass Discography: 1996-The Pale Black Death (Demo) 1997-And Darkness Came (EP) 1999-Demon Possession (EP) 1999-Forever Blasphemy (Full-length) 2000-The Pestilent Plague (Full-length) 2001-Past and Present Sins (Best of/Compilation) 2003-Beast of the Pentagram (EP) 2003-Nuclear Armageddon...