René Carol | zh

  出生及成长于日本冲绳的Caroline,原名为Caroline Lufkin。Lufkin家的孩子们几乎都跟音乐脱不了关系。Caroline的姐姐,Olivia,在JPOP界创出一片天(发了两张专辑,今年更为 NANA动画片演唱片尾曲),而弟弟 Jeffery更在自己的乐队里担任吉它手和队长。父亲为德裔美国人、母亲为日本人的Caroline,十八岁进入著名的波士顿Berklee音乐学院,专修作曲。2003年毕业后Caroline回到日本,灌录了不少的live demo,这为她带来一纸来自大厂牌的录音合约。可是Caroline毅然拒绝了这份合约,而迁往LA,向Brooklyn著名后摇厂牌 Temporary Residence毛遂自荐(原因是她在日本看了Explosions In The Sky和Mono的演出,而爱上这个厂牌)。Temporary Residence马上就签下了她。   2005年,Caroline推出了首张单曲《Where’s My Love》(瑞典人Andreas Bjorck制作)。《Where’s My Love》由如雨点般落下的风铃声开启,然后Caroline以其温暖缥缈的稚气嗓音,牵起了童话般的甜美旋律,自由地穿梭在如梦如幻的电子琴和碎拍节奏间,娓娓地唱出了憧憬着爱情的少女心事:where’s my love/who could you be/someone I knew but/let slip through/while dreaming of you。此动人单曲推出后,既让许多乐迷惊艳不已,纷纷把列它为自选年度单曲之一。2006年3月,Temporary Residence终于推出了由Caroline自己作曲写词的处女专辑,《Murmurs》。而这张《Murmurs》,仿佛有着一股让人忍不住要重复聆听的魔力。 .
For the British rock band, please see The Renegades. 1) A hardcore band on Lost Time Records. 2) Renegades were a garage rock band from Atlanta, GA. They featured three members who would go on to form the Black Lips. 3) Renegades is also a Trinidad & Tobago steel pan calypso band, which is sometimes referred to as Renegades Steel Orchestra. 4) Renegades is the name of the side-project from two members of the band Feeder, featuring guitarist Grant Nicholas and bassist Taka Hirose, as well as Karl Brazil from Ben's Brother. (The music embedded on this page is not...
Carol Claire Aguilar Banawa (born March 4, 1981, in Pasay City, Philippines), better known in the Philippines as Carol Banawa, is a Filipina singer and actress. She was born in Pasay City to Albino and Cirila Banawa. She has two siblings, Alexander and Cherry. She was raised in Batangas. Self-confessed as an "ugly-duckling", Carol dreamt of having a musical career at a very young age. Having a thought that her dream would never come true, her family chose to believe in her drive for success. Carol entered a junior beauty pageant during the late 1980's when she was eight years...
René Jacobs (Born: October 30, 1946, Ghent) is a Belgian (Flemish) musician. He came to fame as a countertenor but in recent years has become renowned as a conductor of Baroque and early Classical opera. His recordings have won numerous awards, including the Grammy Award for "Best Opera", Gramophone 's "Record of the Year", and numerous European awards. Jacobs began his musical career as a boy chorister at the Cathedral of Ghent. Later he studied classical philology at the University of Ghent while continuing to sing in Brussels and in The Hague. The Kuijken brothers, Gustav Leonhardt and Alfred Deller...