Ray Brown All-Star Big Band | zh

1989年5月出生于美国弗吉尼亚州人口只有两千人的Tappahannock小镇,Chris Brown从小就喜爱饶舌音乐,还不时有一些即兴的创作;在准备升入中学的年纪,母亲就带着他前往纽约发展,在没有任何师门或派系支持的情况下,凭借过人的音乐天份勇闯歌坛。 2005年推出首支单曲“Run It”,一发行便把嘻哈/饶舌界天王肯伊威斯特(Kanye West)十周连冠的单曲作品“Gold Digger”给请下了台,创下十年来唯一男歌手首次登场便拿下冠军宝座的辉煌纪录,并且蝉联五周全美排行榜冠军,还以一亿六千万收听人次改写新秀歌手点播纪录,一如Michael Jackson、Bobby Brown、Usher等前辈年纪轻轻便展露极佳的音乐潜质。最近Chris Brown又在The BET Awards上拿下Best Male R&B,Best New Artist,BET.com观众选择奖等三项大奖的提名,再次令人对这位17岁的弱冠少年刮目相看。 .
Sin Bandera was formed spontaneously: Leonel García (from Mexico) had the idea to be soloist, he showed talent on guitar and voice, but his project never took off with the record companies. At the same time, Noel Schajris (from Argentina) was preparing a solo album after making his debut in 1999. Both being musicians, composers and singers, they discovered the ideal formula to unite their talents and personalities in 2000. Noel Schajris was born in 1974 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Leonel García was born on January 27, 1975 in Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico. In 2007, the duo decided to split and...
灵魂乐的教父(Godfather of Soul)级人物一定是非詹姆斯布朗James Brown莫属,特殊的嗓音和优秀的表演团队,加上其个人独特的舞台造型、动作及舞步是会让人疯狂其中,感受灵魂乐带来的丰富情感宣泄快感.看过Woodstock 99,演唱会的人一定看到首位出场的James Brown表演,在舞台上演唱Sex Machine赢得台下数十万人的喝彩。 James Brown是最富于改革精神的一位艺人.爆炸式的演唱风格,饱含深情的嗓音,James Brown是易于辨认的,没有了James Brown.Funk的历史演变必定会不同,James Brown在舞台上的爆炸力和他的嗓音是天生的,也是可以复制的.但他对Funk的改革并使其成为一门独立的音乐流派,却是无人能即,就此点而论,James Brown对现代音乐史的贡献要远大于许多大师级人物。他创造了属于自己的世界,却从未获得好的名誉。 .
Born and raised in LA to parents very involved in the music business, Paul Brown first began playing drums at the age of five. Although a very talented musician in has own right, he is best known as a Grammy winning producer / engineer having worked with just about everybody of consequence in the jazz world. These include Norman Brown, Peter White, George Benson,Boney James, Luther Vandross, Euge Groove, Jeffrey Osbourne, Larry Carlton, Al Jarreau, Bobby Caldwell, Patti Austin and Kirk Whalum to name but a few ! So it should come as no surprise to notice that whemever he...