Polly Lain | zh

Martijn Westerholt是为Within Temptation 的专辑”Enter“、”The dance"和”Mother Eearth"演奏键盘的男子,由于健康原因不得不离开他最初的乐队,这种成功的合作演出所带来的繁忙生活同样也不适合他。2001年,无论如何,他决定组建一支新的乐队。因为他仍希望沉湎于音乐、写作与录音之中。   他开始寻找乐队成员。很快,他找来了主音Anne Invernizzi和吉他手Roy Van Enkhuyzen加盟,遇到他们是在当地的流行音乐中心,当时他们正在其他乐队作现场表演。。他们的表现如此深的触动了他,于是决定邀请他们加入自己的计划,接下来加入的是鼓手Tim Kuper,乐队命名为Delain。根据Martijn所说,这个名字并没有任何的意义,之所以选择它仅仅是因为听起来顺耳。   所有成员都开始为他们的第一盘宣传小样“Amenity”忙碌起来,它在2001年12月发行,收录了四首曲目:“Maniken”、“Predesinedlives"、”Amenity“和“Forest"。当你聆听这些作品时,便会发现键盘在Delain乐队中占了重要的位置。Martijn Westerholt说:“如果有人始终想给我们的音乐定性的话,我可以讲Delain的音乐放Within Temptation的第一张和最后一张专辑之间。”   然而,Delain女主音歌手的声线截然不同于Sharon Den Adel,多了几分原始,少了几分虚华。在小样中最后两首还能听到Orphanage的George Oosthoek的轻喃。所有的鼓声都用鼓拍机录制而成。   Delain对于现场表演并没有充足的经验,到目前为止乐队仅仅于2002年12月初,在”November Rain"的音乐节上进行过一场小型演出。更多的小型演出机会无疑会到来。然而乐队希望首先将精力集中在新素材的创造和排演上。与厂牌唱片公司的签约将随之而至。直到今年才发表了乐队的第一张专辑. 国籍:荷兰   风格:Melodic/Symphonic/Gothic Metal .
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Polly is a French songwriter and singer, known as Daughters of Albion's guitarist and singer. She has released two cover albums. 2) Karolis - vocals | Edit - back vocals | Marius - guitar | Tomas - bass guitar | Justas - drums | Rimas - management | 3) Polly is also Finnish DJ. 4) Another Polly is the Slovenian hip hop/rap artist, one of the few women in the genre (MySpace). 5) polly (ポーリー) is the name of a Japanese indie-rock band. 6) Polly is ambient electronic artist from...
Alain Souchon (born May 27, 1944, Casablanca, Morocco) is a French pop singer, songwriter and actor. He has released 15 albums and has played roles in seven films. Souchon signed his first contract in 1971, but had no success until he began to collaborate with composer/arranger Laurent Voulzy ; they would write together, but each released albums under his own name. Souchon's first hit was "J'ai 10 ans" (1974), from the album of the same name. Souchon's biggest hit was probably "Foule Sentimentale" from 1995's C'est Deja ca. His recent album is from 2005, called La Vie Theodore which features...
Known as the girl with big red curls and weak ankles, Shirley MacLaine was born Shirley MacLean Beaty on April 24, 1934, to Virginia native Ira Owens Beaty and his wife, Kathlyn. Ira and Kathlyn gave up their dreams to raise their family. Before Shirley was three years old, her brother and rival Warren Beatty was born on March 30 or 31, 1937. Shirley was the tallest in her ballet classes at the Washington School of Ballet. She had an excellent batting average in baseball but, as she discovered, it wasn't a good thing for a girl to do, so...
Soren Laulainen started off his music career in Beaverton, Oregon, where he composed primarily electronic, loop-based music. As he continued to write music his skill and popularity increased, and he began diverging and writing music in other styles. He currently resides in the Seattle area where he writes music for short films. .