Pino Mauro | zh

Isidro Chávez Espinoza (29 de octubre de 1982, Angostura, Sinaloa, México), más conocido como Espinoza Paz, es un músico y compositor mexicano de Musica Norteña y Banda. Aproximadamente a los 11 años escribió su primera canción, cuando se enamoró de una compañera de su escuela. A los 13 años ya contaba con alrededor de 20 canciones. Con una carrera en un plan totalmente ascendente, Isidro Chávez, mejor conocido en el mundo de la música como ESPINOZA PAZ es catalogado hoy por hoy como uno de los compositores con más éxito dentro de la industria…ESPINOZA ya es distinguido en el mundo...
(1) Pinocchio (피노키오) is a Korean Soft Rock Band (2) Pinocchio may be an incorrect name for a Disney soundtrack by Leigh Harline & Paul J. Smith. If so, please fix your tags. (3) Swedish trance act (4) Pinocchio was a japanese hardcore punk band from Tokyo. Only released the "Akubyodou" 7" flexi. .
Welcome to the second volume in the Vampi Soul series of tropical Peruvian music of the 60s. The casual music enthusiast might not think that Peru was a hotbed of tropical music in the 1960s and 70s. But with it's indigenous tradition of Afro-Latin percussion on the coast, and an obsession with mambo in the 50s, Peru was actually the perfect place for the Cuban and Nuyorican sounds of son, boogaloo, and guaracha to take root. The proximity of Columbia and Venezuela made sure that cumbia was popular as well. The MAG label producer Manuel A. Guerrero Silvestre captured this...
拥有意大利、西班牙双重血统的创作型大帅哥Marco Di Mauro 凭借Nada de Nada 正式跻身流行乐坛。Marco Di Mauro从小就对音乐充满激情,6岁参加合唱团,并立志长大成为一名歌手。可能这也与他的拉丁血统有关吧。他的外婆还是青少年时就已经是一位女高音歌唱家了。这也使他认识到自己血液中流淌着的音乐天分。带着这份执着与与生俱来的音乐细胞,Mauro对音乐产生了浓浓的情意。可爱的小M在自己的房间里用纸板搭起了鼓,敲得他的父母无法歇息(lol),其父母这才认识到小M对音乐有多喜爱(%>_<%)。 8岁时小M得到了属于自己的第一把吉他,他回忆道:“…… 从我房间的窗户就能看到一个紧挨着教堂的青少年中心,我绝不会错过任何可以演唱的机会。但是我自己也不知道我为何天生就能感知音乐的生命力,仿佛音乐就在我呼吸的空气中,我天生就能创造它似的…… 我当时就想着要是能拥有一把吉他,多好啊。于是有一天我去教堂练歌看到一把吉他,第二天我偷偷的走到吉他旁,由于当时周围没人,我抱着它就跑……直到回到家我父亲问我把吉他藏到哪儿去了,我也记不得我是怎么回答的了,因为当时我被我妈狠狠地打了一耳光(可怜的小M)。30秒后,吉他物归原主。”但是这些疼痛其实还是值得的。3天后,当他老爸回到家后,给了他一个超级惊喜…… “我本来没注意到被我父亲故意藏在身后的盒子,但当他说‘这是给你的’时,我高兴得跳了起来。当我打开盒子,我心仪的吉他就静静地放在那儿。从此,我一刻也没停止练习吉他,当然还有我的演唱” Mauro在作品中主要是运用优美的旋律来抒发自己的情感和对这个世界敏锐的洞察力。在其父母离异后,M逗留于西班牙和哥伦比亚,这期间他苦练唱功,并且对拉丁流行乐也流露出更多的喜爱情怀,而这一切都是自然而生的(他的拉丁血统在做怪 lol)。 Nada de nada,作为M的第一只单曲,成功打入本土单曲榜top ten,目前全国上下所有的广播、电台都在热播此曲,它无疑已跻身09年最受欢迎的单曲之列。 .
EDDIE ESPINOSA Eddie has had a rich experience in worship leading, songwriting and recording with the Maranatha Praise Bands and with the Anaheim Vineyard. Change my heart oh God Make it ever true Change my heart oh God May I be like You You are the potter I am the clay Mould me and make me This is what I pray. Notes: Change My Heart Oh God is a heart cry song that came to me after a time of being in the presence of God during a private time of worship. The experience that I had was very similar...