Overkill For Profit | zh

Thrash Metal乐队Overkill来自美国纽约。1984年,主唱Bobby "Blitz" Ellsworth和吉他手Bobby Gustafson一起组建了Overkill乐队,并招收了贝斯手D.D. Verni和鼓手Sid Falck入队。Overkill乐队以强力的速度和精湛的技术而闻名,由于音乐风格比较单一,他们的名声并不如同期同类型的Metallica等乐队响亮。但他们保持了自己的风格,并且在当时的地下金属界独树一帜。1987年的Taking Over和1988年的Under the Influence是他们早期这种风格的代表作品。 1989年录制完Years of Decay之后,创始人之一Gustafson离开了乐队。他的替代者是Rob Cannavino,不久又换成了Merritt Gant。1991年,乐队录制了他们最有影响也是风格最多样化的专辑Horrorscope。93年的专辑I Hear Black,乐队又把鼓手更换成了Tim Mallare。在94年的专辑W.F.O之后,乐队离开了签约近10年的唱片公司Atlantic,加盟CMC国际。 Overkill的2000年新专辑Bloodletting中,乐队阵容又有改变。两位吉他手Comeau和Marino都离队,新吉他手是 Dave Linsk。十几年以来,Overkill的阵容象走马灯一样的变化,但乐队却似乎从未改变。听那又快又狠的节奏,没错,这就是Overkill。 .
Dark, angry hardcore from Portland, OR. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/PROFITS/102294879811268 http://www.profits.bandcamp.com .
There is more than one artist called Profit. 1. An Armenian rapper (http://thatsprofit.com) 2. A German dubstep duo (http://www.profitberlin.com) 1. "I'm not white, I'm Armenian," says Profit while sipping a Sapporo in his North Hollywood studio. With him are his two producers, Taron and Kris P (together, the three call themselves Entity). "Some people might say ‘whatever man, you're white,’ but that's like calling a Chinese person an Asian and leaving it at that. That person knows he's not just Asian, because he's got things in his culture that are unique to his people and there's a lot that comes...
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Призрак Свободы
Твоя Вера\
Потерянные Ценности
Право На Выбор
Борьба С Самим Собой
На Мёртвой Земле (On The Dead Earth)
Призрак Свободы (Demo)