Omar Salgado | zh

William Omar Landrón (born February 10, 1978 in Puerto Rico), better known as Don Omar, is a reggaeton singer. He is one of the most well known reggaeton artists in Latin America. His cross over success in the U.S. has given him more exposure to English speaking Reggaeton fans, making him one of the more recognizable faces of Reggaeton along with Daddy Yankee and Tego Calderón. Don Omar's popularity is currently rising and he recently appeared on MTV. Omar is best known for his songs "Dile" and "Dale Don Dale" from his first album The Last Don and "Reggaeton Latino"....
姓名:omarion   本名:Omari Ishmael Grandberry   出生年月:1984年11月12日   这位身怀高超舞技、动人嗓音、偶像外表的Omarion,并不是完全新人,他早已是历练丰富的全才型歌手。17岁之时便以主唱的身份加入被报章媒体赞誉继承Jackson 5、New Edition后,最能展现精湛舞技、和谐美声、俊美外表、迷人嗓音等才华,卡位新世纪少男团体接班宝座的B2K四人组合, 2003年底,当B2K正在进行巡回演出时,Omarion却因为意见分歧,与其它团员分道扬镳,展开个人单飞演唱生涯。   正值21岁,他的第二张个人专辑和他是B2K成员的前身巩固了他的艺人成长道路,当然,他的人生成长道路也包括在内。但是,他的事业现在正处于停滞状态。不像生力军Ne-Yo和Chris Brown,Omarion不但没有那么好的声线,而且也不具备创作能力,他的音乐缺少多元素,譬如情感和声乐。在“The Making of You” 中,Omarion叙述着如何跟一个厌烦的女人挣扎。“What Are We Doing” 讲述着一个令人后悔的,由友情变为爱情的故事。跟着, 在“Midnight” 一首关于偷情的歌曲中,Omarion不止乱了他的声线,还弄得词乐分离,好像是在讲别人的故事。   但Omarion的确有出人意表之处,就像当他跟一个女孩打赌着:“我敢打赌你想象不出我会自己洗碗,”嬉戏着:“你不曾跟星星如此亲近。”他强调着,八十年代电子流行乐的大环境(“Entourage”)和世俗的“需要”令他放弃声誉,荣华富贵,和特别的爱,他才能获得诚挚的拥戴。 .
Emerging artist Omar LinX has been perfecting his craft since the age of 15, but only recently felt it was time to drop his first mixtape “A Cold Welcome,” and has hit the ground running. In only a short period of time LinX has proven that he is at the forefront of Toronto hip hop. In the past year he has collaborated with local Toronto talent, as well as established heavy hitters, like Royce Da 5’9" and Joell Ortiz. His rugged voice and sharp tongued lyrics, laced with wit, biting humor and clever wordplay, are complemented by smooth, melodic hooks....
There are at least six acts by the name of Omar: a UK soul singerthe piano player Omar Akrama Philadelphia punk bandan Italian singeran electronica duo from Uruguayand a British punk/hardcore band 1) Omar Omar is a UK soul artist of Chinese, African and Indo-Jamaican descent. Born Omar Lye-Fook (1969) in Canterbury England, Omar has been making albums since the early 1990s and his work is often compared to Stevie Wonder’s work of the 1970s. After the lukewarm US sales for the LP “For Pleasure,” subsequent Omar releases were only available as pricey imports. Now Omar releases his own recordings,...
Palomar: Rachel Warren, Christina Prostano, Sarah Brockett, Dale W. MIller Hailing from Brooklyn, NY, Palomar was formed by former Trixie Belden singer and bassist Rachel Warren and Sasha Alcot, plus drummer Matt Hauser. After their self-released, self-titled debut, they added second guitarist Christina Prostrano, and Sasha left the band, to be replaced by Sarah Brockett. After their second album, Palomar II, Matt was replaced by current drummer Dale W. Miller, in time for their third album, Palomar III: The Revenge of Palomar. In 2006, Palomar signed to Misra records, and a fourth album (which, odds are, will be called All...