Nomi Enckell | zh

Envenomist is the sinister synth project of David Reed (also known as Luasa Raelon), hailing from Columbus, Ohio. This project, envenomist, has multiple releases on renowned avant-garde labels such as Hanson and bloodlust! chicago. .
E Nomine和众多大牌比如Enigma、Gregorian一样,也是一支来自于德国的实验电子团体,如果说Enigma在后期是对电子的尝试,那么Gregorian就是将和声与女声以及流行音乐的完美结合,而 E Nomine 则是将电子与女声,甚至与旁白的最终升华组合。   一个很偶然的机会让我听到了 E Nomine 的声音,非常震撼,很难说他们的音乐到底属于哪个流派,何种风格。在他们所有的专辑当中始终都有一个德语男声旁白,磁性感十足,低沉僵硬平直,时常会让人有身临其境的感觉,这也就是来自地狱的“魔鬼的呢喃”,“诡异”也就诡异在这里,没有这旁白,就好象菜里无盐,又比如看恐怖片少了点背景音乐的话就显得苍白无力了。旁白是这个团体的最大特色,也是我最喜欢的部分。当然,有魔鬼呢喃,自然也少不了天使的声音,也不知道又是哪位美女,穿透力之强偶觉得和Sarah Brightman有得一拼。女声不是每首都有,但时常的掺杂无疑为 E Nomine 增加了许多亮点。简而言之:电子+旁白就是他们最大的特色,而且都制作到位,配合得天衣无缝。   虽然有人说 E Nomine 的旋律象Enigma,和声配乐象Gregorian,但我认为 E Nomine 完全具有自己的风格,他们的音乐很注重人声的表现力,大量使用了生硬的德语对白,使整张专辑充满激情,显得很有力量感;配乐则混合了一些摇滚的元素,曲调相对显得比较黑暗;而柔美女声的加入不仅没有显得不协调,反而因为这种落差增加了听觉上冲击力,给人一种全新的感受。 .
个人简历 职业:歌手/役者 生日:2月18日   星座:水瓶座   血型 A型   爱好:観剧?お散歩?お菓子作り(制作点心) 格言   よく笑い(能欢笑尽量笑)、よく食べ(能吃就多吃)、よく寝る(能睡就睡)。(评:卡哇伊!配合nomico的声音来说太和谐了!nomico,good job! 历程 C70首次与AR合作,是个很有实力的歌姬,主要唱POP和动漫主题歌。高校时期热爱舞台剧,毕业后于2002年开始剧团生涯。nomico的弟弟 Kaya是著名的耽美派歌手,最初是他介绍nomico到同人音乐圈中。2004年,nomico开始同人音乐工作。nomico参加多项工作,包括舞台剧、声优、合唱团、同人音乐和动漫游戏主题歌演唱,以のみこ的名义发行了4张single和2张album。在AR中唱了一首大热神曲Bad Apple!!06年后他就签约lantis作为商业歌手出道,唱了空罐少女的ED。 趣闻 吉祥物のみタヌ为什么是狸?   一是得到了nomico本人和他人的认同,如果将nomico比喻为动物应该是狸,而且nomico也   很喜欢狸,所以吉祥物のみタヌ是狸   二是因为在「真优のぱじゃまのままでおしゃべりしよう☆」第3回中提到她的出生地徳   岛县狸很有名   三是因为狸的声音很丰富,吉祥物选作狸也包含了nomico希望成为狸那样声线丰富的歌手   的愿望 个人作品 Alstroemeria Recordsより   「BLUE NOTE」   02 Crystallize Silver feat.nomico   04 Shanhai Alice in 1884 feat.nomico   07 Ancient Temple feat.ayaka* x nomico   08 Japanese Dream... feat.nomico x ayaka*   「The Garnet Star」 06 Maple Wizen   「The Last Judgement」 09 The Last Judgement   「Lovelight」 02 Bad Apple!! feat.nomico   「Dolls」   03 Dreaming   07 Infinite Being   08 The Last Judgement (Tsukasa Bootleg Remix)   10 Bad Apple!! (Graph Tech Mix)   「Harmony」   03 Alice Maestera   08 Maple Wizen (2007AW Re-Mastered)   09 Suwa Foughten Field   以下是nomico在AR社的作品。...
There are multiple artists with this name: 1. A couple years ago the members of the beloved metal-punk trio, Ryan's Hope (Punknews Records/Epitaph), wanted to fuck off and play some fun, unhinged pop-punk songs. They formed The Reaganomics and immediately started playing shows around the Midwest with bands like Teenage Bottlerocket, Dead To Me, Off With Their Heads, etc. Let's just say that if "Comedic Punk" was a real sub-genre, that's where they'd belong with their songs about living with bears and partying with RoboCop. Hey, we never that this debut album was gonna prepare you for your PhD dissertation,...
Deuteronomium history in short: 1993 The band is founded by Manu Lehtinen and his brother Jarno Lehtinen. Very soon Miika Partala joined them and eventually Tapio Laakso completed the lineup as a fourth member. Deuteronomium played its very first show with this lineup and recorded their first demo "Paths of Righteousness". 1994 It was either in the late 1993 or early 1994 when Tapio deciced to leave the band and Kalle Paju replaced him. Year 1994 was very difficult for the band. They lost their rehearsal place and everyone was quite fed up with the situation so the band was...