Naked Beast | zh

野兽男孩(Beastie Boys)是一组来自纽约布鲁克林和曼哈顿的嘻哈音乐团体。 野兽男孩是活跃时间最长的嘻哈团体之一,他们受到摇滚和庞克影响的饶舌音乐,也影响了许多嘻哈和其他领域的歌手。他们的现场演出通常包含饶舌、放克、爵士和摇滚。 野兽男孩的前身是在1979年组成名为“The Young Aborigines”的庞克乐团。1981年亚当·佛契(Adam Yauch,MCA)加入乐团并将团名改为野兽男孩(Beastie Boys)。团名中的“Beastie”原本是“Boys Entering Anarchistic States Towards Internal Excellence”(男孩们进入无政府状态向着内在的良善)的缩写,而团名的简称“B. B.”则是模仿华盛顿出身的庞克乐团“Bad Brains”。在乐团原本的编制中,亚当·佛契是演奏低音吉他(贝斯)、Kate Schellenbach担任鼓手、约翰·贝利负责演奏吉他,麦克·戴亚蒙(Mike D)则是主唱。他们第一场表演是在贝利的家中,为了庆祝贾克的17岁生日。 之后约翰·贝利离开了乐团(随后组成“Thwig”),而另一个庞克乐团“The Young and the Useless”的成员亚当·哈洛维兹(Adam Horovitz ,Ad-rock)代替了他的位置。乐团也在此时演出了他们第一首的饶舌歌曲《Cooky Puss》,是根据。这首歌发行后在纽约的地下舞厅开始流行。 .
Naked Eyes was a synth pop duo which formed in 1982 in Bath, England. They consisted of Pete Byrne (vocals) and Rob Fisher (keyboards). The band split in 1985. Byrne reformed the band in 2006 without Fisher, who died in 1999. Unusual for a British group, they have had far more success in the U.S. than around where they started, with new wave hits "Always Something There to Remind Me" and "Promises, Promises" still remaining popular. The group consisted of childhood friends from Bath, England, Pete Byrne on vocals and Rob Fisher on keyboards. The two had formerly played in...
Playing in and around their home town Birmingham, the beasts, fronted by singer Garry Dalloway (nick-named "the original fat bastard" by the Kerrang! direktory of heavy metal), quickly became local heroes. consequently Paul Birch, who rated the band very highly, tried to get them a record deal asking numerous major labels if they would be interested. They weren't, so he founded his own label to put out the first handsome beasts single "all riot now" / "the mark of the beast" in early 1980. Later in the same year heavy metal issued the "breaker" ep which used the digital spiral...
Cornbeast! is a musician making electronic music on Nintendo Gameboy and other nice sounding low-tech, old-school gear, like the Casio VL-tone keyboard/calculator. .