Mr Bruce | zh

Bruce Springsteen是美国70年代以来大红大紫的摇滚乐巨星之一。到了90年代,他依然光彩照人,余音袅袅。   1949年9月23日,Bruce Springsteen出生于美国新泽西洲(New Jersey)的费里霍尔德(Freehold)。1963年开始学弹吉它。1965年他加入了凯斯泰尔乐队,参与了专辑《那是你将要得到了》。凯斯泰尔乐队宣布解散后,Bruce Springsteen在其它几个乐队里又陆续干了3年。   1971年组建了经自己名字命名的乐队。它在1973年发展成为著名的东大街乐队 (the E.Street Band),主要成员包括键盘手大卫.山休斯(David Sancious)、电贝斯手加利.泰伦特(Gary Tallent)、风琴手丹尼.费德里奇(Danny Fedrici)、架子鼓手维尼.洛佩兹(Vivi Lopez)、萨克斯风演奏手克莱伦斯.克莱蒙斯(Clarence Clemmons)等人。   1973年1月,Bruce Springsteen的首张专辑《来自阿斯贝里公园的祝福》(Greeting from Asbary Park)面世。但是这些源于民谣的歌曲并未引起乐迷的兴趣,唱片仅销售出5万多张。同年,11月的专辑《野蛮.无知和东大街的混乱》(The Wild,The Inncocent And The E.Steet Shuffle)仍然没有达到预期的结果。   1974年,东大街乐队组成了更理想的阵容,实力大大加强,新加盟的有钢琴家洛易.比坦、鼓手马克斯威伯和键盘手丹尼.费德里西。1975年又增加了吉它手斯坦福.范.扎德特,原有的键盘师和鼓手也都换了人。   1975年9月,Bruce Springsteen在新专辑《为跑而生》(Born to Run)终于冲上了排行榜的第三位,他本人则成为举世公认的摇滚乐明星。10月,Bruce Springsteen的照片同时在《时代》(Time)和《新星期》(Newweek)两家杂志上刊出,名气大振。就在这一年,为扩大影响,Bruce Springsteen和他的乐队不失时机地在美国的各地不断地举行巡回演出。   接着,他们又创造了令人惊奇的成绩:   1978年,《城镇边缘的黑暗》(Darkness on the Edge of Town)进入排行榜的第5位。获金唱片奖和白金唱片奖。该专辑主要是反映以往的问题,是一张充满忧郁的专辑。15年后,该作品仍在乐坛上占有一席之位。   1979年,现场演出专辑《不要原子能》问世。   1980年,《河流》(the River)高踞排行榜首,销售极为火爆。   1982年,《内布拉斯加》(Nebraka)排行榜第三,《饥渴的心》(Hungry Heart)也进入了前十名。   1984年,《诞生在美国》(Born in the U.S.A)在美国排行榜榜首停留了7周,销量超过了1,200万张。而在英国排行榜上停留了两年半之久。   Springsteen是“拯救非洲难民”(USA for Africa)活动的参与者之一,他与迈克.杰克逊等明星一齐演唱了We Are the World。   1986年,从10年来的曲目中,Bruce Springsteen挑选了一些精品,推出了一张精选集(Live 1975-1985)。它又稳居排行榜首达7周之久。Bruce Springsteen的艺术生涯如日中天。   1985年,Bruce Springsteen和女演员朱莉安.菲利浦(Julianne Philips)结婚后,渐渐失去了往日的狂热,他想多享受一些私人生活的快乐。当然,他的艺术生涯仍在继续,并参与了大量的公益演出活动。这期间发行了专辑以1987年的《爱的通道》(Tunnel of Love)最为成功,专辑对其爱情的失败进行了反思。这部柔和优美专辑由于预先的订购一发行就在英美两地进入了排行榜榜首。   1989年,Bruce Springsteen和朱莉安结束了仅5年的婚姻。随后,他和在巡回演出中合作过的女歌手帕蒂.莎尔法(Patti Scialfa)确立了恋爱关系。同年,东大街乐队在其建议下解散了。   1992年,Bruce Springsteen在解散东大街乐队的同时,推出了专辑《幸运之镇》(Lucky Town)和《人类的接触》(Human Touch)。由于乐迷的支持,两专辑虽然没有以往那么火热,但还是如期所料登上排行榜。   1994年,他为电影《费城故事》(Philadelphia)创作了Street of Philadelphia。   1995年,据说他又重新与大东街乐队的队员合作。当他率领人员精简的新乐队作巡回演出时,Bruce Springsteen自己同时操作几种乐器,其令人眼花缭乱的动作在乐迷中引起了轰动。   1995年,其推出了一张对越南战争感想的专辑《汤姆.周的灵魂》(The Ghost of Tom Joad),这张专辑是不再是象以往那样的狂热,充满激情的作品,而是单纯的哲理性的沉思。该专辑可以说是他多年来最成功的作品,但也是商业上最失败的专辑之一。   专辑作品:Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J.(1973) ,The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle(1973),Asbury Park (Sandy),Born to Run(1975),Darkness on...
Bruce Kulick (born on December 12, 1953 in Brooklyn, New York) is an American guitarist. Kulick toured the world on Meat Loaf's "Bat Out of Hell" tour in 1977-78, and was briefly a member of Long Island's Good Rats. He was also in the band Blackjack with Michael Bolton, and also played on the first two Michael Bolton solo albums. (Bolton later co-wrote the song Forever, from Hot in the Shade). Kulick is best known as lead guitarist for the rock band Kiss from September 1984 to February 1996. The song I Walk Alone from Carnival of Souls: The Final...
Bruce Lash spent his formative years listening to British Invasion pop music while studying piano and playing guitar. In 1970, he was particularly struck by Paul McCartney's first solo album, a home DYI project in which Mr. McCartney played and sang all of the parts himself, and Bruce decided that this may be a good direction for him to pursue as well. He was similarly inspired by Nick Drake who, after a couple of live performances, decided to leave the stage to concentrate on studio recordings. Many years passed. Bruce found himself happily employed at a prominent commercial post production...
The realm of bittersweet is the emotional playground of born and raised New York singer/songwriter Jenny Bruce. Welcoming the eternal struggle between yin and yang, Bruce battles her demons with gratitude and wistful familiarity. Always an observer with an intuitive eye and an open heart, Bruce, now a mother of two young boys, looks inward with an eye on the universality of the human condition. As a versatile and prolific singer/songwriter, Bruce's songs, written on guitar and piano, are triggered by inspiration rather than to suit a specific genre; the fertile depth of her work no doubt influenced by the...
The Jack Bruce Band - Line-up on "Live '75" Drums – Bruce Gary | Guitar – Mick Taylor | Organ, Synthesizer, Clavinet, Mellotron, Electric Piano – Carla Bley | Piano, Electric Piano, Synthesizer – Ronnie Leahy | Vocals, Bass Guitar, Piano – Jack Bruce .