Monika Herz | zh

There are, at least, three artists known as Monika: 1. Monika (b. Λεμονιά Χριστοδούλου, 26 May 1986 & raised in Karpenisi, Greece), is an Athens, Greece artist. At five, she started playing the piano & at ten bought her first guitar. Then later, she joined an orchestra in order to take saxophone lessons that lasted 5 years. She can also play some accordion and drums. She used to be a member of her brother's band Serpentine where she did some vocals and played the electric guitar. A year later, she moved to Athens to study in the University (Department of...
出生日期:1978年9月29日 星座:天秤座 出生地:夏威夷州檀香山   Nicole是菲律宾藉美国人,在夏威夷出生,父亲是菲律宾人,母亲是夏威夷和俄罗斯混血。Nicole和继父GaryScherzinger、母亲Rosemary和姊妹Ke'ala在肯塔基州长大,妮可用了继父的德国姓氏“Scherzinger”。   Nicole从小就显露出唱歌的天份,在替年轻摇滚乐团DaysOfTheNew演唱Demo带而被发掘出其歌唱的才华,顺利经由电视节目Popstars入选5人女子团体Eden'sCrush,还缔造了一张美国排行Top10专辑。现在是“小野猫”组合(ThePussycatDolls)的主唱,“小野猫”组合是继曾红及全球的“辣妹”组合之后,迅速崛起的新一代辣妹团体,当下也是红及全球拥有超高人气的火爆团体。“小野猫”的单曲都由乐坛顶尖词曲创作名家制作并邀来饶舌悍将BustaRhymes来助阵,更是请到红透半边天的黑眼豆豆团长will.i.am帮腔。想不红火也是件难事啊! 现在Nicole Scherzinger的首张专辑 Her Name is Nicole 正在紧张的制作中.而且已经推出了两首单曲MV,分别是 Whatever You Like和Baby Love.Pussycat Dolls(性感小野猫)主唱Nicole Scherzinger 带来的首张个人单飞专辑"Her Name Is Nicole ",专辑力邀诸多大牌助阵,T.I.、Daddy Yankee、Timbaland、Avant、P. Diddy、Rihanna、Shaggy,专辑中歌曲和PCD时代相比有所不同,但还是依稀有着PCD的风格,无论慢歌快歌,妮可的唱功都毋庸质疑,专辑的可听性非常强,首只与T.I.合作的单曲Whatever U Like早于8月就已经连MV也推出。 日本音乐巨匠林佳树为爱知世博会做的曲I 'LL BE YOUR LOVE也由她来演唱英文版本,同时收录进了她的专辑中。 让我们一起期待 Her Name is Nicole .
Schwesterherz or Sisters Heart - A beautiful Girl Group from Germany. A little Rock, Pop and many, many Country. A Crazy Group with a good sound. CD or MP3 in AMAZON... .
There are two artists with the name Scherzo 1. A punk-pop band from Clayton California who released a 7 inch & CD on Lookout! Records. 2. A prog rock band from Argentina. 1. Scherzo the punk band were Clayton, CA combo. Their music had a strong personal political message tied to some moving post-hardcore-ish hooks. 2. The other Scherzo had the most unique rock fusion sound of the last 20 years coming from Argentina. Beautiful lyrics and great arrangements from this quintet that realeased 4 albums from 1993 until 2003. .
There are currently two bands with similar names. We are The Featherz, (formerly The Feathers) are a Welsh/English band with glam and punk influences (self-styled as "Flock Rock") led by Danie Cox (born 15 December 1990 in Bridgend) on lead vocals and guitar. There is also another artist called "The Featherz Music, a now defunct dub step artist from Belarus .
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