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Luis Fonsi1978年出生在波多黎各首都的圣胡安(就是出产拉丁天王Ricky Martin的地方),原名是Luis Alfonso Rodríguez,典型的西语名字,10岁的那一年他随父母一起移居到了美国。Luis Fonsi住奥兰多市,Menudo乐队则在波多黎各,重洋远隔在很大程度上使得他未能实现他童年的梦想。不管怎样Fonsi还是加入了许多当地的男孩乐队,包括一支Big Guys乐队,在其中他认识了未来超级男孩乐队的成员Joey Fatone,并与之成为朋友。那年4月Fonsi意外得到了一次登台演唱的机会,Menudo乐队的前成员Ray Reyes邀请了他和洛佩斯去参加一场在圣胡安的罗伯托 克莱门特体育馆举行的演唱会。他登上舞台和El Reencuentro 成员们唱了几首他们的经典老歌,同时各家媒体紧随《代言人》Fonsi作为Menudo成员的时机的标题而争相报导,《Eterno》专辑是Luis Fonsi于2000年发行的一张唱片。   他的声音高亢而充满力量,浑厚中透漏着柔情,所以慢版情歌是他的拿手好戏,但是快的舞曲也是他的强项,看过他的MV就知道他的舞同样跳的好,可能有拉丁血统的原因吧,奔放,热情的性格使他的热舞同样精彩。Luis Fonsi也和许多大家熟悉的艺人合作过,比如大名鼎鼎的Christina Aguilera 还有原辣妹里面的Emma button,都合作过很经典的歌曲。   帅气的外型并没有阻止他去成为一个实力派唱将,多年以来,他凭他的实力在乐坛站稳了脚跟。他个子虽然比较矮,但嗓音却极为高抗。他的歌,柔情中不失刚劲,细腻中略带粗犷,总之一句话,很有味道。   Luis Fonsi早期的情歌典型从2003年年底推出的Abrazar La Vida专辑开始,Luis逐渐摆脱原来的奶油小生形象改走摇滚路线这次的路线改变果然让Luis获得好评。他的声音高亢而充满力量,浑厚中透漏着柔情,所以慢版情歌是他的拿手好戏,但是快的舞曲也是他的强项,看过他的MV就知道。   Luis Fonsi住奥兰多市,Menudo乐队则在波多黎各,重洋远隔在很大程度上使得他未能实现他童年的梦想。不管怎样Fonsi还是加入了许多当地的男孩乐队,包括一支Big Guys乐队,在其中他认识了未来超级男孩乐队的成员Joey Fatone,并与之成为朋友。那年4月Fonsi意外得到了一次登台演唱的机会,Menudo乐队的前成员Ray Reyes邀请了他和洛佩斯去参加一场在圣胡安的罗伯托 克莱门特体育馆举行的演唱会。他登上舞台和El Reencuentro 成员们唱了几首他们的经典老歌,同时各家媒体紧随《代言人》Fonsi作为Menudo成员的时机的标题而争相报导,《Eterno》专辑是Luis Fonsi于2000年发行的一张唱片。   他唯一的一张英语专集《fight the feeling》于2002年发行。虽然这张专集是他另一张西语专集的翻版,但是这首歌是这张专集独有的,这首歌可以说完全发挥了他声音上的优势,高音充满力量,低音柔情充满磁性,可能听过他西语歌曲的朋友会认为他英语歌比不上西语,但是作为一个歌手,多方位的尝试是我们值得肯定的。 .
Luís Miguel Gallego Basteri (born in Puerto Rico on April 19, 1970) Nationalized Mexican is a very famous pop singer. He has been one of the most popular singers in Latin America since the early 1980s. He is commonly referred to as "El Sol de Mexico" (The Sun of Mexico) and has a variety of other nicknames, such as "El Rey" (The King), Luismi, Micky, "El Idolo" Luis Miguel has won some of the most prestigious music awards, such as nine Grammys (5 Regular and 4 Latin) and a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at the age of...
Juan Luis Guerra (born June 7, 1957 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) is the most internationally recognized Dominican singer/songwriter. His pop style of Merengue and Bolero and Afro-pop/Latin fusion have garnered him considerable success outside the Dominican Republic. Juan Luis Guerra is sometimes associated with the popular Dominican music called Bachata, and while this association is partially true, he actually uses the basics of Bachata rhythm with a more bolero feel to the melodies in some of his songs. But he does not limit himself to one style of music, so he incorporates diverse rhythms like Merengue, Salsa, Balada, Rock...
Nicaraguan salsa vocalist Luis Enrique was one of Latin music's first pioneers of the romantic "salsa sensual" style. Approaching an otherwise aggressive and bright musical style with a smoother, more emotive sensibility, Enrique laid the groundwork for salsa and Latin pop artists to follow, such as Marc Anthony and Victor Manuelle. Enrique immigrated to the States in 1978, taking up residence in L.A. He applied the musical training and apprenticeship he'd received from his father wherever possible, including a variety of theatrical and musical endeavors throughout high school. When Enrique auditioned for a local salsa group, he made such a...
Luis Coronel (born Luis Miguel Coronel Gamez; February 3, 1996) is a musician, and singer-songwriter. Coronel was discovered by Angel Del Villar (a Chairman of the house record label) who worked with DEL Records who came across by Luis's videos on YouTube and social network. This young composer delights writing new songs, and is very excited because this May 28, 2013 will be released their first single "Mi Niña Traviesa" in iTunes and will be also playing by all the stations of the American Union. Contents 1 Early life, 2 Social Networks, 3 Influences 3.1 2013: Con la Frente en...