Karuna Khyal | zh

There are two artist with this name: 1. Lara Karuna Vaidya is a pop artist who released Not 4 Sale as Karuna in 2008. 2. Karuna is a Finnish folk music trio with three keyboard players and a unique sound. The trio combines the sounds of the Swedish national instrument nyckelharpa (keyed fiddle) and accordion with the rich harmonies of piano and reed organ. Karuna's music is mostly composed by the pianist Juha Kujanpää, who creatively combines Nordic folk tradition with influences from baroque music, national romanticism and jazz. The musical language has been compared to Sibelius and the sounds...
One of the great lost Krautrock albums of the 1970s… …by a Japanese group! Karuna Khyal’s “Alomoni 1985” album was first released on Voice Records in the mid-seventies and it wasn’t until 1998 that Clive Graham’s Paradigm label brought it to the surface once more. Apparently, it was remastered from the original vinyl, but don’t be put off, Graham has done a fantastic remaster job, altogether with a great sleeve. .