Jimmy Ward | zh

Jimmy Sommers was first smitten with the saxophone when he was still a grade school student in his native area of Chicago. "The sax just seemed so cool" says Sommers recollecting on those days. His affinity and aptitude for the sax progressed to a point where he has become one of the hottest names on the world's smooth jazz circuit. His new album "Sunset Collective" continues Sommers' path of bringing a little hipness and edge to the smooth jazz world. As with his previous albums (James Cafe, 360 Urban Groove, Lovelife) he collaborates with some of the most reknown artists...
Wardruna is a Norwegian musical constellation set out to explore and evoke the depths of heathen Germanic wisdom and spirituality. Musically Wardruna has its main focus on the cultic musical language found in the near-forgotten arts of galdr, seidr and the daily acts of the cultic life, mixed with impulses from Scandinavian and Nordic folk music. They formed in 2003 in Bergen, Norway. The album entitled ‘Gap var Ginnunga’ is the first in a planned trilogy that will interpret the runes of the Elder Futhark. Each album will feature eight runes, but not in accordance with the order of the...
 四个一看就是老好人的小伙子,不但外型朴实得乏善可陈,连长相也都温顺得一塌糊涂。许多人简直难以想象,正是这四个其貌不扬的美国男人,在世纪之交的时刻掀起了席卷全美、继而震撼世界的EMO浪潮。没错,他们就是Jimmy Eat World。   不知不觉,Jimmy Eat World这支来自亚利桑那州的EMO团体至今已经走过了第十个年头。1994年,四位儿时的玩伴Jim Adkins(主唱兼吉他手)、Tom Linton(吉他手)、Mitch Porter(贝司手)和Zach Lind(鼓手)共同组建了乐队。他们奇怪的乐队名字来自于吉他手Linton两个爱打闹的弟弟Ed和Jimmy,有一天两个孩子打了一架之后,Ed为了出气,画了一幅Jimmy的画像,上面还写着“Jimmy Eat World”的字样,用来嘲笑长的胖乎乎的Jimmy。Linton看到这个词后觉得特别有创意,乐队其他人也觉得很有意思,于是大家决定用“Jimmy Eat World”来命名自己的乐队。   Jimmy Eat World在成立之初,他们的音乐更多的是受the Jesus and Mary Chain、Fugazi、Def Leppard等各种风格的乐队的影响,整体的音乐还没有形成自己的特色。他们除了在当地的一些小型场所演出之外,还陆续在一些当地的独立厂牌下,与别的乐队共同发表了一些合集。不久,Jimmy Eat World逐渐拥有了一部分追随者,并且在亚利桑那当地也算是小有名气了。1995年夏天,他们赢得了主流厂牌Capitol唱片公司的青睐,并与他们签下一纸合约。与此同时,贝司手Porter离开了乐队,而乐队也马上物色到了新的人选,那就是Linton的中学死党Rick Burch,在之后的日子里,他的贝司演奏也被认为是乐队最大的原动力之一。   1996年,乐队的首张专辑《Static Prevails》正式发表。正是这张在主流厂牌下发表的唱片,吸引了许多人的眼球。在经历了Grunge的大风大浪之后,一众美国的乐评人开始琢磨起了如何掀起下一个浪潮的计划。而Jimmy Eat World的出现给了他们一个热炒的时机,EMO浪潮也从此开始波澜不惊的开始涌动了。1998年年末,乐队邀请了知名制作人Mark Trombino(曾经为Blink182、Midtown等乐队制作唱片)担当新专辑的制作工作。1999年2月,乐队具有突破性的第二张专辑《Clarity》正式发表,专辑中的一首《Lucky Denver Mint》不但一举成为美国校园电台的热门单曲,而且还被收录在由德鲁·芭莉摩尔主演的青春片《一吻定江山》(Never Been Kissed)的电影原声带中,这也让乐队的知名度越来越高。   但Jimmy Eat World的发展并非一帆风顺,他们也经历了好几次波折。1999年年底,乐队与唱片公司Capitol在续约问题上出现了严重分歧,尽管乐队已经在当时录制好了第三张专辑,但他们还是决定离开Capitol,自己另谋出路。2000年春天,重返独立路线的Jimmy Eat World自筹资金,在欧洲的几个国家展开了乐队的第一次欧洲巡演。不久,他们在独立厂牌Big Wheel Receation旗下发表了早期单曲集《Singles》,以回馈那些长久以来支持他们的乐迷。2001年年初,著名厂牌DreamWorks决定为Jimmy Eat World发行唱片,并再次邀来了乐队上一张专辑的制作人Mark Trombino来共同完成唱片的制作。这张被名为《Bleed American》的乐队第三张专辑于当年7月正式发表。但没过多久,美国遭遇了“9·11”恐怖事件,为了避嫌,这张唱片也不得不更名为《Jimmy Eat World》。名称的改变并不能抵挡这张唱片的热销,这张乐队的同名专辑光是在美国本土就卖掉了130万张。而专辑中的单曲《the Middle》也成为2001年度最热门的曲目之一。   2004年1月,DreamWorks突然宣布关张,而早已红得发紫的Jimmy Eat World并不愁找不到新东家,他们迅速与大厂牌Interscope签约。而在这个冬天,我们就听到他们的第四张专辑《Futures》。这次的唱片封套设计与Jimmy Eat World以往的风格非常不一样:夜色中,一个只能看到侧面的男子,笔直的站在一个灯光昏暗的电话亭之前。封套上所流露出的如此阴郁的气氛,与专辑中的音乐遥相呼应,这也让我们看到了乐队忧伤的一面。专辑的开场曲《Futures》是典型的Jimmy Eat World式的歌曲,充满流行朋克动听的韵律,而又不乏让人震撼的张力。而在《The Wolrd You Love》里,听到是对世间之爱的感激,舒缓而轻盈的编曲,让忧伤的听者能够体会到世界的美好。Jimmy Eat World深邃的歌词与大气磅礴的编配,一直都是乐队的招牌,《Drugs Or Me》里深沉的钢琴声就是证明。2006年他们的Chase This Light专辑,让我不得不感叹乐队的执著精神,虽然已经渐渐退去了EMO的影子,不再是原来的那股大气磅礴,但他们依然带听者积极和乐观。这次选择在美国声势浩大的宣传为了告诉大家,阔别3年的他们回来了。对于真正喜欢JME的歌迷来说,更希望他们可以注重歌曲整体的质量,而不是像过去一样选择用几首单曲来俘获喜爱他们的粉丝。而这张新专辑Chase This Light似乎正在朝这个方向迈进。 .
House producer from New Jersey born in 1972. The sound of Todd Edwards is characterised by an hypnotic collage of short cut-up samples over swung US garage beats and lively disco flavoured bass-lines. He started his musical career around 1992-93. Influenced by Marc Kinchen, whose 'MK' remixes were very popular to feature vocal reconstructions ('Push The Feeling On' by Nightcrawlers, The, 'Can You Forgive Her' by the Pet Shop Boys among others). Credited as one of the godfathers of UK speed garage, Edwards is also a committed Christian and often mention 'Jesus' and 'God' as his primary sources of inspiration....
Jimmy Nail is an English actor and pop/country singer (born March 16, 1954, Gleneagles Close, Benton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne). He is famous for his rugged looks, hit singles and a strong Geordie accent. Nail rose to fame playing Leonard Jeffrey 'Oz' Osborne in Auf Wiedersehen, Pet in 1983, despite having no acting experience whatsoever (he had appeared as an extra in the movie Get Carter). Nail has also starred in a number of films and had a long musical career, having been a singer before he was picked out at an audition to play Oz. After the first two series of Auf...
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Saddle The Pony / Club ceili / Jimmy ward's (jigs)