Jess Stacy | zh

There are two artists with this name: 1. Jess is a Dutch singer/songwriter. Jess (real name: Janneke Steffens) was born on March 7th, 1982 in Breda, The Netherlands. The artist name Jess was created using the first and last letter of her fullname. Jess' band consists of six people: - Edwin v/d Burgt - Drums - Pitt de Jongh - Bas - Bart Meuwese - Electric Guitar - Joop Janssen - Acoustic Guitar - Irma van Pamelen - Backing Vocals - Chantal v/d Steeg - Backing Vocals Jess released her debut album, titled All Hands Filled with Joy, on November...
Jessi (제시) born December 17, 1988, also known as Jessica H.O. is a South Korean–American singer, rapper, and member of the hip-hop trio Lucky J under YMC Entertainment. She was born in New York, raised in New Jersey, and moved to Korea at the age of 15. In 2003 Jessica H.O successfully auditioned for Doremi media and moved to Korea aged 15. In 2005, Jessi released her first single album Get Up. In 2006, she was featured in the album Testimony by Uptown. In 2009, Jessi released her second single album The Rebirth. However in the summer of 2006, screenshots...
Jessie J是一名英国女歌手,作词、曲人及音乐制作人,曾经帮Miley Cyrus, Justin Timberlake, Chris Brown, Alicia Keys 和Christina Aguilera等歌手制作过歌曲。在2011年的英国年度新声评选中,成为本年度的冠军,当年说唱大腕50 Cent,格莱美加冕女歌手Adele和英国新生代男歌手Mika等均获过此项荣誉,并走上耀眼的音乐道路,让我们期待Jessie J的表现。 早期与个人生活 Jessie J原名叫Jessica Ellen Cornish,有时也可以称她为Jessy J或Jesie J 于1988年3月27日出生在英国的Redbridge Jessie J有心脏疾病,在18岁的时候也曾轻度中风 所以她不抽烟也不喝酒 她11岁开始在Andrew音乐圣地学习,高中学习期在那里接受过相当古老的音乐传承文化;16岁开始在BRIT学院学习研究;17岁加入一个女子组合,后与唱片公司签约并出了一张唱片,但是在推出实体唱片之前,公司倒闭。后来,由于她在写歌方面取得成功,幸运地获得了索尼ATV的一纸出版合同。 据有消息称,布兰妮于2011年发行的新专辑也邀请了Jessie J参与其中歌曲的制作。 音乐生涯 Jessie J获得索尼ATV的一纸合同后,开始为各路歌手创作歌曲,先后与Dr. Luke(Doctor Luke)一起为Miley Cyrus制作过歌曲“Party in the USA”;还为Justin Timberlake、Chris Brown、Alicia Keys、Christina Aguilera等大牌歌手制作过歌曲。 2010年的12月06日,Jessie J被英国广播公司正式提名在2011年BBC年度新声的15位之一 2011年的01月07日,公布评选结果,Jessie J幸运地与James Blake、The Vaccines、Clare Maguire等英国新兴歌手一同被选中,并且值得喝彩的是,她赢得了第1名的荣誉 2010年的12月15日,Jessie J获得2011年全英音乐奖(被誉为英国的格莱美)的评论家选择奖,而后她与Tinie Tempah和Ellie Goulding等英国新生代当红歌手一起在提名派对上表演 在2010年11月21日,她在英国发行了她个人的第一首正式单曲“Do It Like a Dude”,并在BBC Radio 1英国广播电台率先播放,其后她说,这首歌本来是准备为Rihanna而制作的,但是现在她想把这首歌给自己。 接着,在11月25日,这首歌曲正式亮相英国单曲排行榜,并取得耀眼成绩,现在依然在英国榜的前列,暂时最高名次为单曲榜的第2名; 不久后,她的第二首单曲“Price Tag”也将发布,而这首歌曲邀请了美国当红新人B.o.B一起合唱,势头猛烈 经过单曲预热之后,Jessie J的个人第一张录音室专辑《Who You Are》将在2011年3月28日正式发行! 她说这张专辑主要由Reggae, Euphoric, Dance和R&B这四种曲风组成,并且目前已经确定了几个巡演的日期! Jessie J目前非常希望能和美国当红Rap女歌手Nicki Minaj合作,Nicki而后也说到很欣赏Jessie J的音乐,期待她们在音乐上能擦出不一样的火花! 所获荣誉 2010年,获得2011年全英音乐奖(BRIT Awards 2011)评论家选择奖; 2011年,获得2011年BBC年度新声(BBC Sound of 2011)第1名; 2011年,获得MTV Brand New 2011的“下个大热门”(Next Big Thing)提名 Jessie J 英文简介 Jessie J (born Jessica Ellen Cornish, 27 March 1988) is an...
Saxophonist Jessy J is bound to get more recognition for her 2008 Peak Records debut, Tequila Moon, than she did for her self-titled album of 2007. She has hooked up with producer Paul Brown, who makes the album a virtual collaboration, also serving as co-writer of five out of the 11 tunes, arranging, engineering, mixing, and playing guitar. Brown is a king of contemporary jazz, of course, but he doesn't so much impose his style here as bring out Jessy J's, which also has strong ties to Latin jazz. She even puts down her axe and pleasantly sings the standards...