Jamie Lewis | zh

Jamie Smith (born 28 October 1988), better known by his stage name Jamie xx, is an English music producer, remix artist and DJ who is known both as a solo act and as a member of the London-based band The xx. He has been recognised with a 2016 Grammy Award nomination in the Best Dance/Electronic Album category for his album In Colour. In 2007, Smith joined The xx accompanying old school friends Romy Madley Croft, Oliver Sim, Baria Qureshi from the Elliott School, notable for alumni including Hot Chip, Burial and Four Tet. The band's first album 'xx' was released...
里欧娜·刘易斯(英语:Leona Lewis,1985年4月3日-,台湾官方只译名字“里欧娜”)是英国女歌手。英国歌手选秀节目X Factor第三季冠军。 里欧娜第一张单曲《A Moment Like This》,于2006年12月发行。创造了在30分钟内被下载超过50,000次的世界纪录。里欧娜第二张单曲《Bleeding Love》,于2007年成为英国最佳销量单曲,并高据于国内超过30个单曲排行榜,另外在2008年3月22日于法国及2008年4月5日于美国成为单曲第一名。 里欧娜第一张专辑《Spirit》于2007年11月在欧洲发行,且在英国及爱尔兰成为最快销量专辑。在2008年4月于北美洲发行,成为美国Billboard 200第一名。这令刘易斯成为第一位英国歌手凭第一张专辑登上歌曲榜第一位。里欧娜的专辑于三大洲以及九个国家成为第一,令她成为最成功的电视选秀节目的选手。 里欧娜出生于伦敦伊斯灵顿自治区的Highbury,父亲Aural Josiah是加勒比黑人,盖亚纳的年轻工人;母亲Maria Lewis带有威尔士血统,是一名社工。里欧娜五岁的时候,入读Sylvia Young Theatre School,其后分别在Italia Conti Academy及BRIT School读书。 里欧娜在十二岁时写出她的第一首曲,并且在不少才能比赛中获胜。她离开学校后,曾经做过很多的工作,包括女待应和接待员,为的是付租用录音室的钱。 里欧娜曾灌录很多歌曲,其中包括属于她自己的样本唱片Twilight,但从未发行。当她十五岁时,联同音乐监制Marley J. Wills翻录了蜜妮莱普顿的"Lovin' You"。之后两人被Sony邀请到美国。 当她的歌手职业停滞不前,她曾经打算放弃,直至她的男朋友游说她参选X Factor。 2006年,里欧娜参加了The X Factor的第三季演唱Over The Rainbow,一路过五关斩六将进入决赛,最于在2006年12月16日夺得冠军,同时赢得一百万镑、录音合约。 三位评判—Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh和Sharon Osbourne对里欧娜的声音有着一致的高度赞赏。外间亦将她与玛丽亚·凯里、惠特尼·休斯敦、席琳·狄翁拿作比较。但是,里欧娜亦受到评判和记者批判有关于她的信心问题。 歌唱老师Mark Hudson亦批评她缺乏当明星的质素。在决赛夜,接招 和里欧娜二重唱"A Million Love Songs",在表演之后,Gary Barlow告诉评判Simon Cowell: “这女孩可能比你所见的任何一个参赛者优秀五十倍,所以你有很大的责任去为她做一张好的唱片。” 2008年3月17日的奥花·云费脱口秀上, Simon Cowell说在X Factor第三轮现场演唱上(2006年10月28日播出),里欧娜赤脚演唱"Summertime"时,他"能够"看到她由一个优秀的歌手转变一个超级明星。 .
Jamie Isaac is a London based singer and producer born and raised in Croydon. Signed to House Anxiety / Marathon Artists, Jamie's debut EP, I Will Be Cold Soon, attracted attention for its near-choral incantations, minimalist jazz tones and post-rock layering. Often compared to James Blake, Jamie marries experimental and enveloping swaggering beats and couplets. His forthcoming EP, Blue Break, is already gaining praise for "favouring space and atmosphere over production histrionics" (Guardian Music Blog). .
Bobby Lewis (born 17 February 1933 in Indianapolis, Indiana) is an African-American early rock and roll and R&B singer. Raised in an Indianapolis orphanage, he learned to play the piano by age six. Adopted at age twelve, he moved to a home in Detroit, Michigan, growing up with the influences of the pioneer blues musicians until the advent of Rock and Roll. Lewis began to build a musical career in the 1950s and in 1960 appeared at the Apollo Theatre in New York City. He recorded a 45rpm single called "Tossin' And Turnin'" that went to No.1 on the Billboard...