Impulse Factory | zh

DEAD FACTORY, the project of Maciej Mutwil, has been active since 2001. Hailing from the region of Silesia, sonic- and imagewise it revolves around the themes of heavy industry found in that part of Poland, which serves as the biggest source of influence. The sounds and images from his surroundings are transformed in his music. DEAD FACTORY discography consists of 2 demo CDRs "Solitude" and "Nowhere"; "Indusreality" MCD, a split release with ATUM and a few web releases. After the recording hiatus, DEAD FACTORY returns with a new album, first time on a regular, silver CD. "Nachtmusik" is available on...
Fun Factory is an Eurodance group from Germany. The good time dance machine par excellence was how one critic described Fun Factory - probably the most accurate, characterisation ever made of this group. With their high-explosive mixture of pop, dance, rap, techno and reggae elements, they have achieved international acclaim and their singles can be found in the charts the world over. Tracks such as Groove Me (# 1 in Israel Dance Chart, # 5 in Israel Air play), Take Your Chance (# 3 in Israel Dance Chart), Close To You, Pain (# 30 in Israel, # 5 in Israel...
Beat Factory is a dance project produced by Dennis Horstmann,Tobias Bosch, Marco Walter, and Oliver Schwab. Singles: "Music", "How Old Are You?", "What's Up?" and "Sugar Sugar". .
乐队信息   组建时间: 1990   风格类型   Alternative Metal(另类金属) Heavy Metal(重金属) Industrial Metal(工业金属)   乐队介绍   FEAR FACTORY是死亡金属界最早推行创新主义的少数几支乐队之一,其音乐融合了工业噪音、电子采样和节奏以及狂暴、杂乱刺耳的吉他声响,从而创造出复杂多变、阴冷沉重的音乐。毫无疑问,这是一种悲观的、具有逃避倾向的声音,但它恰好表达了高度工业化的现代社会中许多人对生活的感受。猛烈夸张的旋律加上叙事诗般的意境当然会赢得众多的支持者,于是成功显而易见。   “对于我们来说做到这一切都并不容易,”吉他手Dino Cazares回忆说,事实的确如此。乐队成立于1990年的洛杉矶,最初由主唱 Burton C.Bell、吉他手Dino Cazares和鼓手Raymond Herrera组成,其后加入贝司手Andrew Shives。“那时还是艺术摇滚的天下,他们当然不能容忍我们的存在……,我们只能在一些小型的聚会上演出。”但乐手们丝毫不为所动,继续坚持创造属于自己的音乐,并且终于在洛杉矶的Death Metal公司为其发行了两首颇具影响力的单曲之后,与著名的Roadrunner唱片公司签约。1992年,乐队推出首张专辑《Soul Of A New Machine》,它标志着Fear Factory已经成为一支真正的死亡金属乐队,而同年发行的EP《Fear Is The Mind Killer》则更是Fear Factory对其音乐理念的实践和对独立音乐的探索,其后于1995年发行的《Demanufacture》和1997年的EP 《Remanufacture》都是这种创新精神的延续,一直到现在的《Obsolete》。   “这是我们所做过的专辑当中最困难的一张,因为我是在塑造一个传奇故事,” Burton说:“这一直是我们唱片的一个主题,我们的观点是让Fear Factory 的故事一直延续下去。”而《Obsolete》将被证明是一个特别的挑战。“我们并不想重复以前自己所做过的事情,” Dino解释说:“这正是许多乐队失败的原因,他们总是一遍遍地重复着自己的过去,而我们总在做一些新的尝试,不断地寻求突破。对 Fear Factory来说,没有所谓的过去,只有更新的音乐。” .
Epic Soul Factory are 4 film Music Composers: Fran Soto, Cesc Vilà, David de la Morena and Eduardo Jiménez. They compose for motion Picture. Including Films, Shortfilms, Advertising, etc. .