Idgy Vaughn | zh

 被媒体拿来与Marvin Gaye、Stevie Wonder等巨星相提并论的全才灵魂乐新才子,Raheem DeVaughn惊喜引领70年代Motown时期的灵魂/节奏蓝调乐种、以至80年代黄金时期爵士/灵魂饶舌曲派,调和出最耐人寻味的动人音符。不靠卖弄花腔的演唱实力,更不倚着傲人的商业排行成绩撑腰,Raheem就是有本事让乐迷以及严苛乐评们臣服在他迷人的音乐魔力之中,一种如呼吸般自然的律动,就在身旁静静蔓延回绕。   传承Erykah Badu、Jill Scott、D’Angelo、India Arie等人所带出90年代的Neo-Soul乐派风潮,集结谱写/演唱/制作/乐手于一身的全才艺人。Raheem身为极富盛名的爵士大提琴演奏家 Abdul Wadud儿子,自小就展现对音乐的杰出天份,发行过多张独立界作品,获得超级制作人DJ Jazzy Jeff(威尔史密斯尚未成名前的音乐好伙伴)以及嘻哈大厂Roc-A-Fella Records前A&R的Kenny Burns注意,穿针引线进入Jive Records旗下。2005年,努力多年Raheem终于苦尽甘来问世《The Love Experience》首张专辑,夺下全美节奏蓝调/嘻哈专辑榜Top9,极具公信力的黑人音乐杂志Vibe写下“Raheem DeVaughn的The Love Experience是所有音乐爱好者必听的专辑”之好评推荐。   08年推出第二张专辑《Love Behind The Melody》的Raheem DeVaughn,成熟又略显沧桑的嗓音把R&B和灵魂乐的精髓演绎的入木三分。Raheem骄傲的给自己扣上“ The R&B Hippie Neo-Soul Rock star”(节奏蓝调嘻皮新灵魂摇滚明星)这么一顶大帽子,他真的名副其实吗?听完《Love Behind The Melody》就知道。之前的《The Love Experience》并没有让他一炮而红,这次出击,Raheem找来Hip-Hop界的金牌制作人Scott Storch以及R&B制作人Carl"Chucky"Tompson参与创作,力求将R&B,Hip-Hop,Soul,Rock等风味融汇贯通。不过实际上在这一领域John Legend已经做的很好了,再往前则有Alicia Keys,这一类具有灵魂乐底蕴的R&B歌手总是很容易获得大家的欣赏,所以很明显Raheem DeVaughn很难再有更多创新的东西,要取胜就要在其他方面上面下足功夫,比如旋律和制作。从任何一个方面来听,这张《Love Behind The Melody》都是一张制作精良又好听耐听的R&B专辑。   在专辑的Intro中Raheem强调了自己“ The R&B Hippie Neo-Soul Rock star”的重要身份,紧接着的则是电台热播的首支单曲《Woman》,这个世界上的任何一个女人都会喜欢这首歌曲,因为这就是一首女人的赞歌, Raheem认为女人是特别的,强大的,美丽的,男人们应该珍视身边的女性。另外这首歌的整体旋律和氛围也是人们喜闻乐见的。由Scott Storch制作的《Love Drug》是我比较偏爱的一首歌,这首歌中Raheem在副歌部分都只是伴随幕后和声即兴演唱,很好的展现了他演唱风格中的“灵魂”特点。《Friday (Shut The Club Down)》由Kwame制作,采样了The Temptations的经典曲目《My Girl》,也许你并不知道《My Girl》,但是一旦《Friday(Shut The Club Down)》的前奏响起,你一定会有印象。《Friday(Shut The Club Down)》里欢快动感的节拍合着点缀其中的跳跃钢琴,可以说是Party必备曲目。专辑的第二支单曲是接下来这首《Customer》,虽然的确是相当好听的一首流行R&B,却显得与专辑中其他有着强烈灵魂味道的歌曲格格不入。不过也许正是因为其流畅的旋律和流行化的编曲,才会被选作第二支主打单曲吧。下面的《Desire》中Raheem用不紧不慢又充满激情的唱腔倾诉着对爱人的渴望,性感但不张扬。《Marathon》中性感的女声来自 Floetry,二人将床第之事比做马拉松, Floetry性感顺滑的表演几乎抢去了主角Raheem的风头,但仍不失为一首可圈可点的对唱情歌。只有流畅钢琴伴奏与Raheem深情演唱的 Interlude《Can We Try Again》引出了专辑中又一首相当好听的《Try Again》。其他好歌还有诸如《She’s Not You》,《Empty》,《Four Word Letter》等。要说专辑中最大的败笔,应该就是流行摇滚风格的《Butterflies》了,这首歌被安排在这里也许完全是为了暗合“ The R&B Hippie Neo-Soul Rock star”中的“Rock”一词,却不想成了鸡肋 .
RaVaughn discovered her love for music at a very young age. Although her conversation was somewhat limited she began her solo performances in the living room of her parent’s home performing for an amazed audience of two. And so, her journey began. At the ripe old age of 4 ½ she discovered by Carlee Lorenz who casted her in the musical “Annie”. Because of her keen ear for music she shortly thereafter began taking piano lessons, which enhanced her understanding of music and her ability to harmonize. Then, one cold winter evening at the age of 9, her world was...
BIOGRAPHY: Maurice John Vaughn is a true blues original. A triple threat on guitar, saxophone and vocals, Vaughn writes powerful, innovative and often humorous songs that spring directly from his vast musical experience. His soulful and passionate vocals are convincing because they are earned -- Vaughn means what he sings. Coming out of the streets of Chicago, Vaughn was raised on Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf, black Top 40 and James Brown. Like the greats who have come before him, he has incorporated his various influences into a blues and R&B style that is completely his own. Vaughn's most recent...
Danny Vaughn is an American singer. Danny has performed with Waysted, Tyketto and Vaughn. He can also be found singing for the lesser known groups, From the Inside, and Flesh and Blood. He now performs and releases under his own name. In 2003 Danny Vaughn played the part of Lancelot on Gary Hughes's rock opera Once and Future King Part I. The latest line up of Danny's backing band consists of guitarist Tony Marshall ( Contagious ), Pat Heath ( Brave New World ), Steve McKenna ( Ten ) and Lee Morris ( Paradise Lost ). This line up recorded...
William DeVaughn (b 1948, Washington D.C.) is an American R&B singer, songwriter and guitarist, best known for the hit song "Be Thankful for What You Got". DeVaughn was a salaried government employee as a drafting technician (according to Casey Kasem,[citation needed] he designed sewers), part-time singer,[1] and member of the Jehovah's Witnesses.[citation needed] He wrote "[ "[ A Cadillac Don`t Come Easy eventually re-written to become"Be Thankful for What You Got "(song)|in 1972, and spent $900 toward its development to Omega Sound [A Philadelphia Production House][2] The producers at Omega [Frank Fioravanti and John Davis wanted to go for a...