Heleninha Costa | zh

Alci Acosta was an Equadorian/ Colombian born in Bogotá and raised in Quito. While the majority of his time he was playing and singing he grew up alongside julito jaramillo and became a good singer. His most famous song is probably traicionera which was a major hit selling around 300000 in south america. Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alci_Acosta He is the King of "Bolero", the King of "Despecho" ... He is without doubt the Southamerican Tom Waits. There is certain quality of urban poetry to his songs... altogether with his passionate confident voice make, to whom can understand his sad love stories......
Los Acosta formed in the peculiar San Luis Potosí district of San Sebastián. Led by brothers Ricardo, Ernesto, Sergio, and Carlos, los Acosta started getting involved in the local scene in the late '80s, playing a mixture of pop, cumbia, mambo, bolero, and norteño. The group later becoming one of the most popular bands in the onda grupera field, an innovative style consisting of traditional Mexican music performed with electric instruments. .
安東尼Antony Costa 1981年6月23日生,成長於英格蘭東南的Middlesex和北倫敦一帶,在加入Blue之前, Antony就已經小有名氣,19歲開始就曾在電視劇Grange Hill和The Bill中軋過一角(不 過,Antony奇怪自己為什麼老演一些令他尷尬的小角色),有幸獲英國權威電視台BBC相 中,在電視劇Chalk中演出主角。雖然Antony有一副金嗓,但直至遇見Duncan倆人英雄相惜 後,他才真正決心轉戰歌唱事業,開創一番新天地。Antony在這張專輯的表現是4個人中進 步最大的,他甚至可以唱好很多以往被認為是Lee主唱的部分,主要是因為他高音變的清亮 很多,值得一提的是,Antony的歌聲表情豐富,也可以詮釋搖滾和藍調歌曲,讓人可以對 這個樂團未來的發展,充滿期待。 全名:Antony Daniel Costa 小名:Ant 髮色:深棕色 / 黑色 眼球顏色:深棕色 身高:5尺9吋 生日:1981年6月23日 星座:巨蟹座 出生地:Edgware, Middlesex 最愛的藝人:喬治麥可 最愛的歌曲:喬治麥可的Father Figure 最愛的專輯:喬治麥可的FAITH 最愛的書:Of Mice and Men 最愛的電影:追夢者/The Commitments 最愛的電視劇:Only Fools and Horses 最愛的演員:艾爾帕西諾 最愛的食物:法士達 最愛的飲料:可樂 最愛的味道:媽媽的料理 最愛的足球隊:倫敦熱刺隊Spurs 最愛的服飾品牌:Diesel 最愛的顏色:Blue~藍色 (當然囉!) http://antonycosta.biz .