Giorgio Moroder vs Jam Spoon | zh

Giorgio Moroder (born Hansjörg Moroder on April 26, 1940 in Ortisei, Italy) is an Italian record producer, songwriter and performer, whose groundbreaking work with synthesizers during the 1970s was a significant influence on new wave, techno and electronic music in general. Particularly well known are Donna Summer's disco hits produced by Moroder, including "Love To Love You Baby" and "I Feel Love". Moroder also produced a number of electronic disco hits for The Three Degrees. Often collaborating with lyricist Pete Bellotte, Moroder scored a number of hits in his own name including "Son Of My Father" in 1972 and "From...
对于Fischerspooner这队来自美国纽约的电子乐队,乐迷喜欢与不喜欢总是很极端的事,好象没有灰色地带似的。 没错,在2001年间Electroklash乐潮一触即发,扮演着这场音乐运动的头号队伍,Fischerspooner当年犹如地球上最酷的乐团。然而只是相隔一年岁月,他们已沦为一个遭受冷嘲热讽的Media Hype,究竟发生了甚么事? 其实原先是DJ Hell的德国Techno厂牌International Deejay Gigolos独慧眼,把Fischerspooner罗致旗下,在2001年官方发行其首张专辑#1,并缔造了 Emerge这首大热单曲。然后英国的跳舞音乐集团Ministry Of Sound眼见他们走势凌厉、锐不可当,便在2002年以二百万英镑将他们重金礼聘引进英国,而成为一时佳话。问题是那时英国传媒对他们吹捧得太大了,到头来发觉他们只是 One Hit Wonder,而Ministry Of Sound更因此而出现财政危机。 幸而Fischerspooner跟着受到美国主流厂牌Capital青睐,他们才真正踏实地找到了其归宿。 .
Giorgio Vanni is an Italian singer mostly known for his work creating opening themes for the Italian versions of Japanese anime. .