Foresta di Ferro | zh

There is at least one artist with the name Ferro: 1. Ferro (Jasper Verrijzer) born and raised in Weesp, the Netherlands. Is a living legend in 'het Gooi' with is minimaltechno mixing skills. And is also home-DJ of club 'De Kaap' in Weesp. .
提杰安若·费洛(Tiziano Ferro,1980年2月21日-)是意大利拉丁流行(Latin pop)歌手。他将他原本意大利文版的专辑也录制成西班牙文版的专辑,并在欧洲与拉丁美洲获得显著的销售量。   1997年,他参加了意大利歌曲节(Festival della canzone italiana),但是在第一周的选拔就被淘汰了。而在1998年的比赛,他是12位入围者之一,并且被Alberto Salerno与Mara Majonchi两位 制作人发现。   他2001年的首张个人专辑《Rosso Relativo》被归类在节奏蓝调/嘻哈音乐的风格。虽然当意大利讽刺电视节目“Le Iene”指出他的第一张畅销单曲〈Perdono〉与劳·凯利之前的一首歌曲〈Did You Ever Think〉之间的相似处时,引发了一些争议。西班牙文版的专辑名称称为《Rojo Relativo》并且全世界西班亚语系的地区受到相当大的欢迎。   在2003年年底,费洛发表他第二张专辑《111 Centoundici》。这张专辑使得他建立了明星的地位,成为最有名的意大利流行歌手之一。   2004年,他发表发表了他首张英语单曲〈Universal Prayer〉。这张单曲是为了在希腊雅典举行的2004年夏季奥林匹克运动会而录制。这首歌曲是他首次与英国节奏蓝调歌手洁米莉雅(Jamelia)合作。在同一年在罗马举行的2004年MTV欧洲音乐奖(MTV Europe Music Awards),他赢得最佳意大利艺人并在典礼中演出他的畅销歌曲〈Sere nere〉。他也在热门的墨西哥电视剧《Rebelde》第一季中客串演出。   2006年,他第三张录音室专辑《Nessuno è solo》发行,并且首周在意大利与阿根廷即登上排行榜第一名。它首周在智利排行第10名,在墨西哥排行第14名,在西班牙排行第11名,并且打破了西班 牙首周销售量的历史纪录。这张专辑被认定是“三白金”(triple platinum)专辑。2007年3月25日,费洛应邀在声望很高的意大利广播电台(Radio Italia solomusicaitaliana)25周年庆祝活动上表演。 .
FHF (First Human Ferro), a Ukrainian dark ambient project organized by Olegh Kolyada back in summer 1998, with first field recordings being experienced yet in winter 1997. The debut raw experiments date back June-August 1998 when “The Halo over Pontiff’s Hearse” was recorded. A year later in 1999 FHF started musical manipulations with harsher sounds which resulted into “Metaballistik: Viewed under Infra-Red” session, known as Ukrainian exceptional death industrial material ever. Both above-mentioned albums were released on tapes and cd-rs several times in limited editions in Ukraine and Poland. In 2000 a classical dark ambient album “Motherwards” was recorded, issued...
desperta ferro! Oi! Almogàvers were Catalan warriors from the Middle age who were feared and recognized for their efficiency in combat. Before the battle they hit the iron of their swords against the stones and they shout “Desperta Ferro” (Wake up Iron), making sparks. The same courage and strength wants to be conveyed by Desperta Ferro, a political-musical project born in 1999, when a group of friends from Sabadell (Barcelona) decided to make a band to claim the independence and the unity of the Catalan Countries, the socialist revolution and the antifascism. Further info at: MySpace: YouTube: .
Guarda de Ferro is a portuguese RAC/Oi band. .