EARL S | zh

这支乐队成立时间虽然不是很长,但乐手们都已不是初出茅庐,吉他手Stone Gossard和贝司手Jeff Ament都是早期地下乐队Green River的成员。1992年,他们与另外一位吉他手Mike McCready、鼓手Dave Krusen以及歌手Eddie Vedder组成了赫赫有名的Pearl Jam。   1991年,乐队的首张专辑也是他们的成名专辑《Ten》推出了,在Billboard专辑榜上成为亚军。这张专辑在当时引起了轰动,它和 Nirvana的专辑标志着GRUNGE浪潮的兴起,使人们开始关注这种叫做“GRUNGE”的崭新风格。此专辑中最引人注目的是歌曲“Alive”,这首歌在专辑中有鹤立鸡群的感觉。说实话,其它歌曲与Pearl Jam音乐的顶峰还有一段距离。   1993年,他们还推出了另一张专辑《VS》,这是Billboard专辑榜上的冠军。担任这张专辑制作的是从那时起一直与Pearl Jam合作至今的大名鼎鼎并且非常出色的制作人——Brendan O'brien。Pearl Jam凭借这两张专辑奠定了Grunge浪潮领袖的地位。在录制这张专辑是,鼓手Dave Abbruzzese取代了原来的鼓手Dave Krusen,成为乐队新的鼓手。我认为鼓手Dave Abbruzzese的鼓是Pearl Jam所有鼓手中最棒的。他的鼓又快又狠,干脆利落,有他参与录制《VS》这样典型的GRUNGE作品,再合适不过了。《VS》比《Ten》更加GRUNGE化,其中有不少好歌,如:火爆的“Go”、揭露美国社会种族歧视的“W.M.A.”等。《Ten》、《VS》两张专辑中他们的风格是原始的、纯粹的 Grunge。   1994年底,Pearl Jam推出了他们的第三张专辑《Vitalogy》。这是一张颇具试验性的专辑。有些歌曲似乎有些离谱,如“Bugs”是一首让人倒胃口的歌、“ Pry,to”也是叫人难以理解的另类典范。《Vitalogy》中的优秀作品也很多,如“Last exit”就是一首典型的Grunge歌曲、“Not For You”波澜起伏颇有Nirvana的味道,此外专辑中也包含“Nothing Man”、“Better Man”这种旋律优美的歌曲。《Vitalogy》首周打进专辑榜排名173,第二周便跃升至冠军位置。所以这张专辑也创造了有史以来上升势头最猛的记录。Pearl Jam此专辑的推出,可以说是锦上添花。这时他们在事业上已经上已经是如日中天了。   面对着Pearl Jam的成功,不少人以一种充满敌意的眼光看待他们。这其中不乏别有用心的人,他们假借地下音乐所谓的清高来指责Pearl Jam讨好唱片公司、屈服于商业。这样的人绝大多数并非不想成名、不想赚钱,而是没有才华资本这样。国内有人更是无聊,为了标榜其另类、有个性,也加入到其中,对Pearl Jam盲目指责。很可惜这类人就是把他们的臭嘴说得和不上了,也没人知道他们,典型的无名鼠辈。面对这种情况,一些真正的音乐人站出来为Pearl Jam说话,这其中包括R.E.M.乐队的主唱Michael Stipe。   1996年,Pearl Jam推出了第四张专辑《No Code》,这是一张相当低调的专辑。整张专辑明朗的曲目不多,只有“Who You Are”在单曲榜露过面。在录制《No Code》专辑时,鼓手Dave离开了乐队,顶替他的是Jack Irons。虽然专辑整体风格较低调,但此专辑仍然是颇具水准的、值得一听的。   1998年初,乐队的第五张专辑《Yield》正式推出。由于当时《泰坦尼克》的电影原声专辑也同时推出并且加上大力的炒作,所以《Yield》一直被压制在亚军的位置上,未能问鼎。虽是这样,但不可否认这是一张非常出色的专辑。《Yield》是Pearl Jam所有专辑中表现得最成熟的一张。(其实,从他们以往的表现看,他们也算是一支成熟的乐队。)这张专辑里的歌可以说首首精彩,“Brain Of J”、“Do The Evolution”是典型的Grunge歌曲,表现得火爆、狂躁、失真,“Faithfull”、“No Way“有些另类,“Given To Fly”、“In Hiding”跌荡起伏而又不失明朗的旋律。“Wishlist”则是整张专辑中我最喜欢的一首歌,旋律明朗、编曲优美、效果制作得当并且很有意境,非常耐人联想。   1999年,Pearl Jam出版了一张现场专辑。另外,乐队今年还做了一件很有意义的事,在以美国为首的北约对南斯拉夫进行野蛮侵略时,Pearl Jam与其他乐队、歌手合作了一张反战专辑《No Boundaries》。   2000年,Pearl Jam再度出击,发行了一张全新作品。应该承认,乐队年轻时的锐气在此专辑中淡化了,而风格趋向于柔和、稳重。此专辑在销量上已无法与以前相比,让人略微感到英雄暮年。也许21世纪不属于GRUNGE,而Pearl Jam也只是90年代的摇滚英雄。 .
Earl Klugh (Born September 16, 1953 in Detroit, Michigan) is an American smooth jazz/jazz fusion guitarist and composer. Klugh finger picks a classical guitar with nylon strings. At the age of 13, Klugh was captivated by the guitar playing of Chet Atkins when he made an appearance on the Perry Como Show. He has since been a guest on several Atkins albums. Atkins, reciprocating as well, joined Earl on his Magic In Your Eyes album. Klugh was also influenced by Bob James, Ray Parker Jr, Wes Montgomery and Laurindo Almeida. His sound is a blend of these jazz, pop and...
Korean name: 티어라이너 Tearliner actually started out as a six member band in January of 2004, but before the release of its first album, the group turned into a duo and then a one man band. Tearliner, who also just goes by Liner, born Park Sung-hoon, was never classically trained and doesn’t even read sheet music. His music is influenced by everything he has experienced in life and is classified by some as “Dream Pop,” because his music has a dream-like quality to it. Tearliner was first signed to Pastel Music which was founded in 2003 and was, at the...
There are several bands known as Black Pearl: 1.)The first Black Pearl was from the West Coast. The lead singer was wild showman Bernie "B.B." Fieldings. Though the members of the group were from the Boston area and the band was formed in Boston they left immediately to play in Aspen, Colorado where they were a house band for several months. They moved to San Francisco in 1967. The formation of Black Pearl by Oak OConnor and Geoff Morris was what split up of the Barbarians for whom some of the group had previously played. The group released an album...
Earl Kenneth Hines, universally known as Earl "Fatha" Hines, (28 December 1903 – 22 April 1983) was a jazz musician, often referred to as "the first modern jazz pianist". In 1928 (on his 25th birthday) Hines began leading his own big band. For over 10 years his was "The Band" in Al Capone's Grand Terrace Cafe — Hines was Capone's "Mr Piano Man". Hines recorded for Victor in 1929, then after a gap for Brunswick from 1932-1934, Decca from 1934-1935, then after another gap, Vocalion from 1937-1938 and Bluebird from 1939-1942 (nearly all among the best Black Jazz of the...
找到了 103 歌曲, 持续时间: 12:56:50
Earl's Breakdown
Miss U Like Crazy
Reminiscences de Don Juan, S. 518
My Soul's On Ice
That's My Desire
Mephisto Polka, S. 217
St. Elmo's Fire
That's The Way
Gaz Mask & Black Pants
Lulu's Back In Town
Sonora's Death Row
Lulu's Back In Town
The Earl's Chair
Young Lover's Waltz
Hallo Mary Lou / It's Late
My Soul's On Ice (1996)
Earl's Tune
That's My Desire
Earl's Court / Dreamin'
Earl's Blues
The Earl's Chair
Earl's Booge Woogie
Earl's Court
Earl's Groove
Neil Gaiman - Neverwhere 2. Earl's Court
Earl’s Breakdown
남겨진 사람들 (Death’s Game OST)
Earl's Boogie
Earl's Rum Boogie
Earl's Breakdown
Earl's Court (Dreamin)
Earl's Groove
Earls Pearl
Neil Gaiman - Neverwhere - 2 - Earl's Court
Earl's Boogie Woogie
Earl's Breakdown
Earl's Boogie Woogie
Earl's Breakdown