Domenico da Piacenza | zh

Domenico Cimarosa (17 December 1749 – 11 January 1801) was an Italian opera composer. Cimarosa was born in Aversa, near Naples. His parents were poor, but anxious to give their son a good education. After moving to Naples, they sent him to a free school connected with one of the monasteries in that city. The organist of the monastery, Padre Polcano, was struck by the boy's intellect, and voluntarily instructed him in the elements of music, and also in the ancient and modern literature of his country. Because of his influence, Cimarosa obtained a scholarship at the musical institute of...
Domenico da Piacenza (ca. 1400 – ca. 1470) was an Italian Renaissance dancing master. Domenico da Piacenza (sometimes known as Domenico da Ferrara) was born sometime around 1400 in Piacenza, where he grew up and began teaching dance. He soon became a very popular teacher with some of his students – most notably Antonio Cornazzano and Guglielmo Ebreo – later becoming successful dance masters themselves. Domenico worked for some of the most influential Italian families of the time and not only composed choreography for them but also performed alongside them at important events such as weddings. He achieved a Knighthood...
Carlo Domeniconi (born 1947) is an Italian guitarist and composer known as a concert artist in both the classical and jazz idioms. Born in Cesena, Italy, he received his first instruction with Carmen Lenzi Mozzani at the age of 13. By age 17, he had received his diploma from the conservatory in Pesaro. In 1966, Domeniconi left Italy for West Berlin, where he studied composition at the University of Music (later The Berlin University of the Arts). He further worked at the university for 20 years as a professor. Later, Domeniconi visited Turkey and became enamoured with its people and...