Disco Bolt | zh

Disco Inferno was a band formed in Essex, UK in 1989 by Ian Crause (guitar & vocals), Paul Wilmott (bass), Rob Whatley (drums) and Daniel Gish (keyboards). After the departure of Gish (who would later join Bark Psychosis) the three-piece Disco Inferno recorded the single 'Entertainment' with producer Charlie McIntosh. Their first album, Open Doors, Closed Windows, was released in 1991 on Che and received positive reviews, although most mentioned the heavy influence of late 1970s post punk bands, particularly Joy Division and Wire (In fact Disco Inferno's manager, Michael Collins, had previously managed Wire during their 70's incarnation). 'Entertainment',...
1954年生于康尼迪克州(Connecticut)的New Haven。80年代末起,Bolton 成为最优秀的摇滚乐歌手之一。 在Bolton的成长过程中,他一直喜爱骚灵音乐,喜爱听 Steive Wonder, Ray Charles和 Marvin Gaye的歌曲。早在他十五岁时,便登台演唱,在家乡的一些酒吧、俱乐部中献艺,这为他以后的成功打下了坚实的基础。迈克尔波顿VS李玟在录音室 迈克尔波顿VS李玟在录音室 起初,Bolton的歌运并不很理想,推出的几首单曲以及两个专辑都没有引起什么反响。70年代末,Bolton 成为硬摇滚乐队“Blackjack”的主唱,注重从属风格摇滚的发挥,后来乐队解散,Bolton转而进入哥伦比亚公司以求发展。 为女歌手Laura Branigan在1983年作的《How Am I Supposed to Live without You》一炮打响,红遍歌坛。接着他又翻唱了已故灵歌巨星奥蒂斯·雷丁的名曲《Sitting on the Dock of the Bay》,获得成功。接着Bolton又重唱了《How Am I Supposed To Live Without You》,听来令人激情荡漾。这首90年代初排行榜上的冠军歌曲,使他获得了该年度的葛莱美流行男歌手奖。从此开始,推出了一系列碧浪灵歌《How Can We Be Lovers》,《Love Is A Wonderful Thing》。91年的专辑《Time Love and Tenderness》一经问世,迅速荣登榜首,在数月里保持在前十的位置。 Michael Bolton凭藉独特的演绎和声线,以及极富创意的作词、作曲的才华,赢得了乐迷的欣赏,成为80年代到90年代乐坛炙手可热的巨星。 2011年,迈克尔·波顿发行《Gems : The Duets Collection》精选;破天荒与美籍华裔流行女歌手李玟再度重新演绎 《How Am I Supposed to Live without You》。 .
scratchy, noisy and quirky post punk band from croatia .
Disco Dan has remixed many pieces of game music, including songs from the Mega Man series and Zelda Link's Awakening, which can be found on OverClocked ReMix. He has also done a few Donkey Kong Country remixes. .