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Marc Anthony自幼即随父母移居纽约,他的本名是Marco Anthonio Muniz。为他取名的父亲Felipe也是名音乐家,他是因为一位著名的墨西哥歌手的名字才为他儿子取了这个名字,但为了避免两位Marco产生混淆,于是后来就把他儿子的名字改为Marc Anthony。曾被形容为都会的拉丁文化复兴精髓人物代表的Marc Anthony,他的文化感受性是同时建立在他所成长的纽约市以及他父母的故乡波多黎各,两者相融的结果,使他能卓越地在其音乐中,同时补捉到美国都会与拉丁美洲的音乐文化精髓。 他的音乐生涯是在他10几岁时便已开始,当时Marc在纽约舞厅里驻唱时,他的固定到场歌迷就已超过一百人,除了以英语演唱、担任自由即兴舞曲音乐界的合音外,亦已开始为多位艺人谱写歌曲。他最擅长的是必须要一遍又一遍重覆演唱一段副歌,鲜少有变化,节奏部份预先录在DAT上的极限主义(Minimalism)浩室舞曲(House)。他也固定为一支叫做The Latin Rascals的合唱团担任唱片中的合音,该团的制作人Little Louis Vega在1991年时获得一纸Atlantic唱片的制作合约,于是他邀请Marc Anthony为他所制作的唱片担任主唱;虽然两人的合作并没有引发立即的成功,但其中一首“Rebel”成为舞厅热门播放曲,现在偶尔在曼哈顿二手唱片行里,还可以找到这张唱片的踪迹。19岁时,马克安东尼便已进驻卡内基厅演唱,同年稍晚,他亦参加了在麦迪逊广场所举办为庆祝“King Of Salsa Music骚沙乐之王”、拉丁爵士传奇乐团Tito Puente的领导者Tito Puente的第一百张专辑发表的致敬演唱会,担任开场艺人。 Marc Anthony马克安东尼曾创下在纽约麦迪逊花园广唱的两场演唱会门票全数售罄的纪录,他也在Paul Simon所创作的百老汇舞台剧“The Capeman”里出饰重要角色,并曾于多部电影中挑大梁演出,其中包括大导演马汀史柯西斯执导的“穿梭阴阳界(Bringing Out The Dead)”,而且他还是全球骚沙(Salsa)舞曲唱片销售量最高的歌者。在全球拉丁语区,尤其是在Marc的出生地波多黎各,他的地位相当崇高。一位哈林拉丁语区的作家在“纽约客(The New Yorker)”杂志的专栏里如此形容他:“他就像一团走动的烈焰。” 于1998年与澳大利亚女歌手Tina Arena(蒂娜亚瑞纳)搭档,合唱由“铁达尼号”金奖配乐大师James Horner(詹姆斯霍纳)所编曲制作的电影“The Mask Of Zorro(蒙面侠佐罗)”主题曲“I Want To Spent My Lifetime Loving You”,登上国际排行榜榜首。接着在1999年为性感宝贝、拉丁新天后Jennifer Lopez的首张热情英文专辑“On The Six 六号地下铁”跨刀,赚人热泪地深情对唱了“No Me Ames”一曲并亲自参与其音乐录影带演出,一举拿下Billboard Hot Latin Tracks热门拉丁歌曲榜7周冠军!Marc Anthony马克安东尼正逐步成为当今西洋流行乐迷心中最炙手可热的头号人物之一,而事实上,他在Latin Tropical/Salsa(热带拉丁音乐/骚沙舞曲)界,也早已是众所周知、全球销售量第一名的艺人! Marc在过去以热带拉丁骚沙舞曲乐风为主的西班牙文专辑,除了张张皆在美国及其根源地--波多黎各---创下金唱片或白金唱片的销量,分获Billboard音乐奖肯定外,更是1999年第41届葛莱美音乐奖“Best Tropical Latin Performance最佳热带拉丁音乐艺人”奖项得主,与获“Best Latin Pop Performance 最佳拉丁流行艺人”奖项的Ricky Martin瑞奇马汀分庭抗礼。随着他个人英文专辑的发行,Marc Anthony这位骚沙乐界的新生代传奇人物,也成功的将其音乐触角戏剧性地跨界至全球流行. Anthony出生在纽约的西班牙语黑人区,他父亲,Felipe,一个音乐人,为他取了 Marco Antonio Muniz这个名字,为了纪念一个墨西哥的著名歌手, 后来改为 Marc Anthony 是为了避免与老歌手混淆。还在六年前,Anthony在纽约的一个舞吧中为人唱歌。有一个歌迷团近百人。 他擅长一种简单的舞曲叫家庭音乐,这种歌要求歌手反复不断的重复小节, 并有细小的变化,伴随着录音带中的节奏。 他同样为一个名叫Latin Rascals 的乐队做幕后合成,该乐队的制作人是小Louis Vega。 当Vega与大西洋唱片公司取得了联系,在1991年,他要求Anthony成为他的签约歌手。他们的专集没有一张特别成功的,但其中一?quot;Rebel,"在酒吧中特别火。直到现在还常有人在曼哈顿的二手店中寻找它。 Anthony 生命中的喝彩就这样突然来到了, 以至他这样形容,“我看见旧的自己被打破了。” 在1993年,他将在车上听到的那首歌放入自己的专集。他的经纪人接着就将他送到了一个叫Radio y Musica的拉丁音乐大会上去。Anthony带着一盘包含那首歌伴奏的录音带。 当时他非常穷困,他的演出服是借来的。在观众中坐着,他就像工作人员。 当他踏上舞台,一个人为他加油。他拿住麦克的手在颤抖。 他闭上眼睛对自己说,“就当自己是在起居室中为自己的母亲唱歌,” 而当他一唱完他就飞快的往台下跑,他的经纪人不得不抓住他,告诉他他受到了观众的起立欢呼。 许多录音师在拼命的拨他们的销售电话。 “找到这个孩子的CD,”他听到其中一个说。“我今天早上把它扔了--它一定在垃圾堆里。找到它并播放!” 携在西班牙语歌坛的独占地位,除了在"The Capeman,"中 Anthony设法保持在美国的低姿态。随着Marc Anthony新专集的发行,很有可能,他会发现,他的旧的生活将又一次被打破了。 .
Spearheading the new wave of UK hard trance producers, Marcos aka Mark Dearden has literally exploded on to the scene over the last two years. At only 21 he has produced a staggering number of high quality anthems! Working closely with Jay K Walker for a number of years it was inevitable the two would eventually produce a track together. In April 2003 they released 'NIGHTFINDER' EP. Mark's career to date has charted a meteoric rise from bedroom producer to highly respected craftsmen of techie driving anthems. The next logical step is to build Mark's career as a DJ and...
The Producerteam Alex M. vs. Marc van Damme consist of the Greifswalder Axel Jäger and the Bremer Sebastian Wernke-Schmiesing. The two guys got to know each other a few years ago more or less coincidentally. At this moment each one did his own musical Thing. Nevertheless they recognized that they had many things in common and so they decided to do a project together. Besides this they did some remixes together and produced also different tracks. In Summer 2004 they released their first Single called “Technodisco” on the Mental Madness Label in Germany. Right away this became a huge club-hit...
1- Marce is an italo disco act from Spain. It was produced by Maurizio Tonelli, Juan Enrique Garde, Sergio Solis, Francisco Quijada and Jaime Stinus. Marce recorded the singles "I Want You" and "Chica de Poster". 2- Marce is also a singer from Colombia. Marce learned the piano at age 8, composed her first song at age 9, picked up the guitar at 15, and has been performing and writing ever since. Her professional music career began after much prompting from friends and family, actively seeking to "get her songs out there!" She was asked to write a song for...
Well, the diminutive Texan with the big hat has been a "mover and shaker" (in the loosest sense of the term I might add) in the underground scene for the longest time, but for those of you that don't do your homework... In 1984 Mark was inspired by the SF punk scene enough to found the quietly influential punk label Alchemy records... Alchemy as a going concern was to eventually run it's course, but not before Mark had discovered and released albums by no lesser entities than Neurosis, The Melvins (more of which in a moment) and the eternal NOFX...