Claudio Rocchi | zh

Claudio Merulo (also spelled Merlotti, Merulus, also Claudio da Correggio; 8 April 1533 – 4 May 1604) was an Italian composer, publisher and organist of the late Renaissance period, most famous for his innovative keyboard music and his ensemble music composed in the Venetian polychoral style. He was born in Correggio and died in Parma. He was born Claudio Merlotti and he Latinised his surname (meaning little blackbird) when he became famous in Venetian cultural clubs. .
克劳迪奥·阿劳 Claudio Arrau (1903-1991) 1903年2月6日出生在智利的奇廉(Chillan)。母亲是一位业余钢琴家。阿劳具有很高的音乐天赋,4岁时就能视奏弹出贝多芬奏鸣曲的一个乐章。5岁时举行了第一次独奏会,先后在奇廉与圣地亚哥登台演出,并进入圣地亚哥音乐学院师。8岁在圣地亚哥正式登台举行独奏会。两年后智利政府为他提供出国学习的费用,他得以在柏林随施特恩音乐学院教授克劳泽(Martin Krause)学习。在此期间先后获伊巴赫奖和霍兰德奖。1914年在柏林举办了首演音乐会,从此开始演奏生涯。此后在德国和北欧巡回演出,获得了一系列比赛大奖,并与尼基什、富特文格勒等知名指挥家合作。这使他蜚声乐坛,被誉为神童。1921年起,在南美、英国、北美等地演出。1925年受聘为施特恩音乐学院教授,执教一直到1940年。1927年获日内瓦国际钢琴比赛大奖。此后在世界各地访问演出,包括苏联、柏林、墨西哥城和圣地亚哥。1940年在圣地亚哥创建了一所钢琴学校。1941年定居纽约,从事演奏及教学。1947年起先后到奥地利、南非、以色列、印度、日本、布拉格、布达佩斯等地旅行演奏,誉满全球。1965年、1968年、1972年访问亚洲。1979年获美国籍,但同时保留了智利籍。1991年6月9日逝世于奥地利的米尔茨楚施拉格(Mürzzuschlag)。 阿劳多年接受德奥正统教育,演奏带有浓厚的德国风格,纯正严谨,含蓄内在,并融入个人深刻的理解和情感。尽可能地理解作曲家的意图,在此基础上让想象力升华和飞跃。他擅长贝多芬作品,特别是表现它的力量。 .
Claudio Villa: byname of Claudio Pica (1 January 1926 - Padova, February 7, 1987), born and living in the proletarian (now touristic) Trastevere quarter of Rome, in via della Lungara and via Angelo Tittoni, then with success moving to a via Folco Portinari flat, in the Monteverde nuovo middle class quarter. He was an actor and Italian Tenor, who specialised in romantic-melodic “musica leggera”, reaching a sort of The Voice status in Italy as “il reuccio (della canzone)” - the small king, so called also because of his sanguine character. While Nilla Pizzi was the Queen. But the baby-boomer generation...
Claudio Lolli (Bologna, 1950) is an Italian artist. He is a singer, poet, writer, and a professor in highschool. His albums are characterized by a strong political message. He uses his music to describe the motivations and delusions of an era and a generation, which is deceived by trying to change humanity. Discography: Aspettando Godot (1972) Un uomo in crisi. Canzoni di morte. Canzoni di vita (13/3/1973) Canzoni di rabbia (10/2/1975) Ho visto anche degli zingari felici (7/4/1976) Disoccupate le strade dai sogni (1977) Extranei (30/4/1980) Antipatici antipodi (1/3/1983) Claudio Lolli (6/5/1988) Nove pezzi facili (1992) Intermittenze del cuore (1997)...