Chaos Omen | zh

从2005年至今,IN THIS MOMENT(魔时魅影)仅仅用了眨眼时间便从一支年轻乐队攀升至美国眼下最令人疯狂的Metalcore / Screamo(金属核/嘶吼情绪核)五人组。这其中的并不只因为乐队拥有一位满臂纹身、热辣喷血的女主唱Maria Brink(玛利亚•布瑞克),另外,乐队的成功还要取决于整体的水准与实力。味道十足的流畅旋律,Metal式动力强劲的节奏与亢奋的情绪,激情肆溢的唱腔夹杂着些许女性特有的阴柔,并一切唯美视觉元素的融合,ITM的种种特点决定了他们势必会迅速攻占当今年轻歌迷的音乐欣赏阵地,尤其是喜爱如AFI、MY CHEMICAL ROMENCE、BLEEDING THROUGH、ATREYU等风格乐队的粉丝们所极力推崇的魔力天团。   最初,吉他手Chris Howorth(克里斯•霍沃斯)与女主唱Maria Brink于2005年在西海岸洛杉矶相识,由于双方相同的音乐喜好,他们在找来鼓手Jeff Fabb(杰夫•法伯)后决定正式组建乐队,并自行录制了第一张小样。之后,两位新成员吉他手Blake Bunzel(布雷克•邦泽尔)与贝司手Jesse Landry(杰西•兰德瑞)加入乐队;与此同时,著名金属厂牌Century Media Records注意到ITM的内在潜能,当机立断与乐队签约,并在发行首张专辑之前为他们安排了大量与著名乐队同台巡演的机会,以此在歌迷群中赢得爆棚的人气。紧接着,CM公司更是请来曾担任THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN、GOD FORBID等乐队制作人的Eric Rachel亲自操刀,为ITM量身定做了他们的处女大碟《Beautiful Tragedy》(《美丽的悲剧》)。乐队果然不负众望,新专辑发行首周即以呼啸之势夺取了欧美各大排行榜的前列位置,而专辑主打单曲“Prayer”(祈祷)与“Daddy’s Falling Angel”(爸爸的堕落天使)旋即更是被各类音乐媒体进行轮番轰炸,在歌迷当中广为流传。2007年,ITM顺利入选Ozzfest演出乐队名单,并且开始与欧美殿堂级摇滚之神Ozzy Osbourne(奥兹)与Rob Zombie(罗伯•祖拜)进行长时间的巡演,与奥兹同台可是许多比ITM年长20岁的音乐人都无法企及的终极梦想。一切使得ITM成为众多摇滚/音乐媒体竞相报道的对象,Maria Brink也被冠以继EVANESCENCE(暗夜精灵)的主唱Amy Lee(艾米•李)与艾维儿之后的北美摇滚魔少女顶尖偶像。   从风格上来讲,In This Moment的音乐风格不拘泥于单调,富于变化,当初在宣传时,就被冠以“可以掳获从AFI,My Chemical Romance到Bleeding Through,Atreyu等各流歌迷”,也就是这种“大小通吃,走遍黑白两道”的本事,铸就了乐队的成功。 .
There is more than one band called "Moment of Truth" 1.) A Hardcore band From New Zealand. 2.) Post Hardcore / Screamo / Emo from Cleveland, Ohio 3.) A soul / funk band from the late seventies that recorded only one full album, with the traditional Salsoul Records Label. Famous session bassist Bob Babbitt played on the album. 4.) A Hardcore band From Rochester, New York. .
1. Japanese dream-pop act from Nagoya. 2. The Moments - had only one major pop hit with "Love on a Two Way Street" except in the UK where 'Girls', 'Dolly My Love' and 'Jack In The Box' all charted.They had many years of successful singles on the R&B charts. The Moments who are originally from Washington, D.C.with Mark Greene also had an underground hit with "Not on the Outside" which was accepted my local listeners instantly! Later in the mid-80's, The Moments became Ray, Goodman & Brown, changed labels (Polydor) and garnered a few more hits, most noted the...
There are three bands by the name of Momentum. 1) A melodic hardcore band. Featuring members of Plague Mass and Light Bearer. 2) Progressive metal/doom band from Reykjavik, Iceland. 3) Danish heavy metal band 1) Momentum formed in 2011, featuring members of Plague Mass, Light Bearer and XZieglerX, playing driving, epic heavy and melodic DIY hardcore punk, both crushing and uplifting, ignoring sub-genres and getting back to the basics of why we love playing fast political music. Influenced by the words of Carl Sagan, and other luminary thinkers, the music forms around a set idea, that of our place in...
Chaos UK are a UK hardcore punk band formed in 1979 near Bristol. Consisting of Simon on vocals, Andy on guitar, Kaos on bass, and Potts on drums (although the band has been through many different line-ups over the years with Kaos as the only consistent member). Their lyrics deal with topics such as unemployment, economic recession, drinking, infanticide, distrust of government, the police, and authority in general. After what can be described as the first or classical period, in which the band released two 7inch EP's (1982), contributed to the 'Punk and Disorderly' (1982), 'Riotous Assembly' (1982) and UK/DK...
找到了 14 歌曲, 持续时间: 01:15:33
Chaos In The Cathedral
Old Wounds
Let Clarity Succumb
06. Keepers Of Wisdom (ft. Rasul Allah & Omen Ra)
Glare As I Reveal
To Admit And Allow (Let Clarity Succumb)
To Admit And Allow
Follow US, Black Chaos
Omen Of Nightfall (Curse the Cult of Chaos 2013)
Life Be Gone
Dwellers, Dwell No More
Enchanting Chaos Of My Frozen Mind