Case Woo | zh

There are three bands on this page. 1. An emo band from California 2. A Belgian rock band. 3. An alternative/emo band from Germany (Braunschweig). Of the top tracks of the past 6 months, the top 5 are all from the California band. 2. Belgian Rockband from Aarschot. Kristof Bauwens on drums, Carl Andries on bass and Steven Swinnen on vocals/guitar. One full CD "Superorganism" from 2005. .
妮科·凯斯(Neko Case)来自美国弗吉尼亚州,是一位很有特点的乡村摇滚歌手。这张《Middle Cyclone》是Neko Case的第五张录音室专辑,是她酝酿了近三年时间的全新力作。在美国唱片市场上市第一周内,《Middle Cyclone》共售出大约4万4千张,空降本周Billboard 200专辑榜的季军位置,创造了她个人在Billboard 200专辑榜中的最好成绩。Neko Case的上一张专辑是2006年3月推出的《Fox Confessor Brings the Flood》,在Billboard 200专辑榜中的最好成绩仅为第54位,首周销量1万8千张。 很明显,Neko Case是那种血液里就有独立精神的女歌手,当然这跟她早年丰富的经历也是分不开的。Neko Case生于美国弗吉尼亚州,但她童年的大部分时光却是在华盛顿度过。在15岁那年,Neko就离开了父母,一个人出去打拼。三年之后,Neko Case开始在多支朋克乐队担任鼓手。而到了1994年,Neko又移居加拿大温哥华,来到了一所艺术院校学习。直到1997年,Neko才推出了自己的首张个人专辑《The Virginian》。 无论是早期在Bloodshot厂牌还是在2004年加盟Anti之后,Neko Case的音乐风格一直变化不大。略显另类的美国乡村摇滚曲风、个性的嗓音、较为吸引人的旋律使得Neko Case的每张专辑都得到了乐迷和媒体较高的褒奖。这张《Middle Cyclone》也不例外,无论是节奏感明快的《People Got A Lotta Nerve》,编配丰富的《Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth》,还是民谣化的同名单曲《Middle Cyclone》以及《Don't Forget Me》和《The Pharoahs》等慢歌都是能讨好听众耳膜的。其中的12首歌来自Neko Case的全新原创,而《Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth》和《Don't Forget Me》这两首歌分别翻唱自Sparks和Harry Nilsson。 .
Casey Mecija (born in Brantford, Ontario) is a Canadian musician and songwriter. She is the lead vocalist for the indie pop band Ohbijou, which also includes her sister Jennifer. Mecija also recorded a cover of The Velvet Underground's "Oh! Sweet Nuthin'" as a duet with Bry Webb of The Constantines for the 2007 compilation album "Friends in Bellwoods". .
Having grown up outside Seattle after being born in Sweden, Gustaf Kjellvander AKA The Fine Arts Showcase is well familiar with the English language and uses it fluidly. After 10 years in the States his family (including older brother and artist Christian Kjellvander) returned to Sweden, where Gustaf as a mean of coping with boredom and alienation started writing music. One of his first gigs were at his school when he was 12 years old. And so the story goes. Gustaf was previously in the bands Sideshow Bob and Songs of Soil. The Fine Arts Showcase is the assumed name...
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Polyester Cookies (Original Mix)
Polyester cookies
Subliminal -STP
Subliminal (Edit short cut by -=PSH=-)
No Face No Case (Feat. Woo Da Savage)