Carla Bley, Andy Sheppard Steve Swallow | zh

关于 Steve Aoki Steve Aoki的音乐在Pitchfork网站上被评论为 “听起来就像牙膏和橙汁的混合,” 这种从未出现的组合掀起来一阵猛烈的跟风,这种跟风不仅仅出现在音乐博客圈,同样还出现在电子怪人的世界中。 在无数场演出后,Steve Aoki 帝国不仅包括他的服装品牌,还包括他自己的唱片公司Dim Mak, 名单中有 Bloc Party、MSTRKRFT、The Klaxons、Boyz Noise以及Fake Blood这些响当当的名字。 by Jason Birchmeier Steve Aoki, aka Kid Millionaire, is a celebrity DJ and also the founder of Dim Mak Records, which counts leading indie rock bands such as Gossip, Bloc Party, and Battles among its stable of signees. The son of wealthy restauranteur Rocky Aoki, he is of Japanese heritage and calls Los Angeles home. In 2007 he released his first official mix CD, Pillowface and His Airplane Chronicles, on Thrive Records. Featuring tracks by Justice, Klaxons, Mystery Jets, Peaches, Datarock, Yelle, Franz...
Carla Morrison is a Mexican singer who lives in Baja California Mexico, whose business is to create music with pedals with clips and loops, along with her keyboard and electroacoustic guitar effects, based on their songs build with layers live music second to third and quarters voices of herself ... In their sound you can feel the melancholy and the feeling of a very innovative proposal and avant-garde, as entertaining as it gives a lot chipazos melody and happiness .. In early 2006 Carla begins to interact with various rock cover bands in Spanish, at the end after six months...
他是后达达主义乐派frank zappa的主奏吉他手。他是名吉他手joe satriani的爱徒。他待过重摇滚whitesnake和david lee roth等乐队。。。他是-steve vai! 1960年出生於纽约长岛的吉他英雄steve vai自13岁起便以吉他手的身份自组乐团,并受到恩师joe satriani的提携与指导。由於天赋异禀,加上後来他至著名的柏克莱音乐学院学习爵士乐和古典乐,使得当时年纪轻轻的他就拥有令人惊叹的高超技巧。早在steve18岁时就受早期的前卫摇滚大师frink zappa赏识,成为该团的吉他手。 1985年接 替yngwie malmsteen成为alcatrazz乐团之吉他手。1986年又为前van halen主唱david lee roth担任吉他手、1989年加入whitesnake协助完成"slip of the tongue"专辑…总总音乐历程,让他在自已个人专辑中常展现各种不同的音乐类型。 虽然在steve vai的个人专辑中多以硬式摇滚、重金属曲风为主,但仔细聆听,会发现其中多包含爵士、放克、古典等…多种感觉与味道。而除了音乐性外,steve在吉他技术上更可奉为当代吉他手的规臬与典范。由日本"young guitar"杂志每年的吉他手票选,前三名中必有一名为steve vai。弹奏技巧上无论"速弹"、"点弦"、至"都已达到如火纯青的地步。特殊的"抖音"技巧与独出一格的吉他音色更突显他的个人风格。 在他的个人专辑中,几乎每张的风格都不太一样。有些专辑中收录的歌曲,是属於比较实验性的作品,初次接受可能有人会不太习惯。但由此证明steve vai是个勇於创新的人,不断向新的曲风、尝试迈进。 .
Andy Grammer is an American Singer-songwriter managed by Steve Greenberg's S-Curve Records. He released his first album in June 2011. He was born in Los Angeles, United States, but grew up in New York. At 20, he returned to the Los Angeles area. He currently resides in Los Angeles. His father is Singer-songwriter, Red Grammer. In 2007, he graduated from California State University, Northridge, with a B.A. in Music Industry Studies. Grammer started as a busker on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica and later performed in the Viper Room, the Roxy Theatre (West Hollywood) and the House of...
享誉已久的美国歌坛大师Andy Williams1927年12月3日生于艾奥瓦州Wall Lake,他是纵横歌唱、电影、电视和百老汇的全方位艺人,擅长乡村、爵士乐、轻音乐,声线优美,富有魅力,而又纯朴自然,美国总统里根曾经赞誉他的声音是“国宝”。 他外貌英俊,音色甜美并富有魅力,表演纯朴自然。在50至60年代The Beatles横扫全球乐坛之前,他可算是美国最成功的艺人。1961年加盟著名的哥伦比亚唱片公司,到1972年的12年间,Andy Williams公开发行过30张专辑,拥有18张金唱片、3张白金唱片,屹立歌坛超过六十个年头,还参与过多部电视剧、电影、舞台剧的演出。演唱了不少电影主题曲和许多脍炙人口的歌曲,如《月亮河》(Moon River),《爱情的故事》(Love Story),《柔声倾诉》(Speak Softly Love),《出埃及记》(The Exodus Song),《西区故事Westside Story》(Tonight)都已成为名垂青史的经典作品。包括许多经典电影如教父、爱的故事、第凡内早餐、日瓦戈医生等主题曲。其歌曲多次获冠军名曲。威廉斯在密苏里州布兰森还拥有一座叫“月河”的剧院。 .