Boston Symphony Chamber Player | zh

Bingo Players (Paul Bäumer & Maarten Hoogstraten) have been left gasping for air after a seriously hectic year with bookings in the Netherlands and abroad. Outgrowing local bingo halls to play with the big ballers of the game has been the result of their hard work and devotion. The Bingo Players appear to have been made for each other, the proof of which came in November 2009, when the DJ/producer duo topped the Beatport overall chart for a second time with their remake of the dance floor classic, “Devotion”, which stayed on no. 1 for two weeks and over a...
 Boston乐团由核心TomScholz组建,1976年推出首张专辑《boston》即获得空前成功,成为摇滚乐史上销售得最神速的唱片,Boston就是在这荣誉的光彩照耀下脱颖而出的……   吉他手兼键盘手 scholz是宝丽来公司高级产品的设计师,喜欢在业余时间里录制磁带。scholz 以及乐队的其他成员都是当地音乐家,如吉他手/歌手 brad delp、贝司手 fran sheehan 和鼓手 sibhashian。 scholz 在 epic 公司录制磁带,因而与该公司签约。第 1 张唱片《boston》其实是 scholz 在 24音轨上录制的磁带的重新组合,此唱片销量达 650 万张(据最新统计是1600万张)。 boston 立即成了录音室乐队中的超级团体。首张专辑《boston》中的More Than a Feeling成了他们的成名曲。   他们的第 2 张唱片《don't look back》两年后出版。虽然没有违背第 1 张唱片的宗旨,但销量非常令人失望,只达到 350万张,人们对此乐队兴趣的逐渐消退使乐队在很长一段时间里毫无成就。他们的第 3 张唱片《third stage》直到 1986年才问世。其中有两首单曲《amanda》和《we'reready》进入了美国排行榜,《amanda》成为排行榜的冠军,许多歌迷是抱着对最初专辑的怀念才买进这张专辑的。   但无论如何,boston 拥有销量巨大的第 1 张专辑和 3 张排行榜冠军的专辑,并且一共卖掉了 2000 万张,这对一个只出过 3张专辑的乐队来说已是相当不错的结果了。在距《third stage》出版之后的 grunge 音乐兴起的第 8 个年头,boston出版了他们的第 4 唱片《walk on》。 1997 年又出版了第 1 张精选唱片《greatest hits》。 .
Starting over again can be a pain. However looking at The Don Ramos Players with fresh eyes was enough to make them realise then when something does come to an end, you always have to look forward at the prospect of doing something in a different light. They have played in bands that have come and gone. They are John, Smittens, Lloyd and Adam. They are The Don Ramos Players. What was originally going to start out as a solo project soon turned into a proper band. They draw influences from bands such as Hot Water Music, The Lawrence Arms,...