Blood Order Company | zh

BAD BLOOD From Beijing China. BEIJING -- Casper Markus is slouching against the wall of a Beijing nightclub, sizing up the stage where his hip-hop group will perform that night. "It's too small," he complains. "I could fall off. I want a big stage." He's a sullen 22-year-old kid with a bandana around his head, a former car thief from a Scarborough, Ont., immigrant ghetto who spent eight months inside Toronto's Mimico Detention Centre for drug possession and robbery. It was a rough stretch in a notoriously violent and gang-ridden jail. He survived by writing rap lyrics, reading Malcolm X,...
Formed at the beginning of 2013, Royal Blood are a 2-piece band from Brighton, East Sussex, UK. Having known each other for years in different bands, Mike Kerr (Bassist/Vocalist) & Ben Thatcher (Drums) finally came together and went into the studio to record ‘Figure It Out’ – the first track that brought attention to the band. At the tail end of 2013, Royal Blood released ‘Out of The Black’, their debut single on Black Mammoth Records. The band released their debut album ''Royal Blood’' on 22 August, 2014 which sold 66,000 copies in its first week. .
风 格:New Wave(新浪潮)Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚) Club/Dance(舞曲) Post-Punk(后朋克) Synth Pop(合成器流行乐) 介 绍: 一般地说,一支乐队若缺少了灵魂人物,这个乐队的其他成员便很难有所作为,但来自英国曼彻斯特的 New Wave(新浪潮)乐团 New Order 绝对是个例外,提起 New Order ,不能不提起他们的前身:著名 Joy Division ——充满了忧郁和绝望的后朋克乐队,Joy Division 来自英国工业重镇曼彻斯特。当1980年乐队灵魂人物主唱 Ian Curtis 自杀身亡后,Joy Division 的其他成员 Bernard Sumner(guitars), Peter Hook(bass)和Stephen Morris(drums)便自组了 New Order 乐队,乐风成功的转向了 新浪潮/舞曲 ,并将 Joy Division 的忧郁低调的气质放进了流行的电子舞曲之中。New Order 对于电子舞曲以及当时整个乐坛的贡献是巨大的,是具有革命性的,以至于现在不少当红的电子组合比如 Chemical Brothers、Republica 等都将他们像上帝式的顶礼膜拜。 New Order 于2000年再度归来,发表了两张让全世界都为之倾倒的唱片,更激发了复古风潮中的新浪潮回归,如当红的The Killers 便是其追随者。(iFire ReEdit) 2007年New Order再次宣布解体。 组建时间: 1980年 国 籍:英国 .
There are two bands named The Order. 1) Hard Rock/Metal band from Switzerland. 2) RAC/Viking Rock band from Wales. A project of Celtic Warrior's members. 1)Born in Swiss (2004) from an idea of the guitarist Bruno Spring. During October 2005 they recorded their debut album SON OF ARMAGEDDON at Little Creek Studios in Gelterkinden with GURD Mastermind V.O. Pulver wich was mastered in April 2006 by swiss mastering-guru Glenn Miller at Greenwood-Studios and will see the light of day on June 23rd, 2006 finally through the Hamburg based label Dockyard 1. But neither expect thrash metal nor mellow alternative rock...
1) Borderland is a 5 piece pop-punk band from South Shore, Mass. Originating in early 2008, the name of the band was originally Cullen. The line-up at this time consisted of Matt Gleason (Vocals) Chris Pina (Guitar) Marty Shannon (Bass) and Kevin Annand (Drums). Shortly after they renamed themselves Borderland (Yes, after the State-Park) After a few line-up changes the bands present line-up consists of Brian McKenna (Vocals) Kevin Annand (Guitar) Chris Pina (Guitar) Marty Shannon (Bass) and Kevin Merriam (Drums) They have a growing local fan base; make sure you check them out at 2) Borderland is a...
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Knight's Cross
Pt. III - Mjollnir
Norsemen's Saga Pt. I - Open Sea
In the Halls of Valhalla
Pt. II - A New Land
Knight's Cross
Enter The Halls Of Valhalla