Bjørn Olav Edvardsen | zh

In the blues world, a big voice is often accompanied by a big ego (or at least a medium sized one…) But the Danish singer Thorbjørn Risager, praised for his rough and strong voice by an unanimous choir of critics from a growing number of countries – 15 the last time we counted them - is a soft-spoken gentleman off stage. He is the leader of his seven-piece band mainly for practical reasons – to bring any little issue into a group discussion can be quite time-consuming. He is also composing most of the band’s music, and during the performance...
Thorbjørn Egner (12 December 1912 – 24 December 1990) was a Norwegian playwright, songwriter and illustrator known for his books, plays and musicals for children. He grew up in the working class neighbourhood Kampen in Oslo and his breakthrough was on the nationally broadcast children's radio show "Barnetimen for de minste" in the beginning of the 1950s. He received the Cappelen award in 1979 and also won three Spellemann awards: in 1975 for "Ole Brumm og vennene hans", in 1977 for the album "Folk og røvere i Kardemomme by" and in 1982 for "Beste Egnerviser", a collection of his songs....
Bjørn Arve Lagim did music for The Longest Journey, Anarchy Online (and its Expansions), Saga of Ryzom and Medieval Ages. You can visit his site at .
Bjørn Lynne (a.k.a. Dr. Awesome a.k.a Divinorum) is a sound engineer and music composer, now living and working in Stavern, Norway. He has been widely known as a tracker music composer under the name Dr. Awesome/Crusaders in the late 1980s–early 90s when he released numerous tunes in MOD format and created music for some Amiga games. His work during that time period was mostly released into the demoscene world. In fact, many know him from his Amiga MOD work in the demoscene and his collaborations of that time period. Later on, he moved to England to work for Team 17,...
Nils Olav is Andrew Patrick with... Ian Roberts, Gabrielle Frödén, Phil Wilkinson, Jon Kensington, Paul Wilkinson, Matt Jones, Iskra String Quartet (Ivo Stankov, James Underwood, Emma Owens, Charlotte Eksteen), James Underwood, Matthew Hall, Will Rumfitt, Sigi Beare and Jon Atwood. The artist's debut album, 'Nils Olav', was released on the 1st of January, 2011. .