Bird By Snow | zh

这是一支典型的Brit-pop乐队,有着清澈的吉他和温暖的旋律。和如今已是大名鼎鼎的Belle&Sebastian一样,两支乐队都曾签约英国厂牌Jeepster,并且都具有典型的“Jeepster气质”——简单淳朴,平实低调。 乐队的主唱兼吉他手Gary Lightbody以及贝司手兼键盘Mark McClenlland都来自北爱尔兰,他们在苏格兰的敦提市上学时认识,鼓手John Quinn的加入使得Snow Patrol正式成军。1998年,乐队与Jeepster签约并推出首张专辑《Songs for Polar Bears》。2000年底,乐队成员结束学业,从敦提市搬到格拉斯哥。2001年,第二张专辑《When It's All Over We Still Have to Clear Up》发行后,吉他手Nathan Connolly加入乐队。随后,乐队改签了Polydor公司,并换用新制作人发行专辑《Final Straw》。这张专辑对Snow Patrol意义重大,产生了一系列让人印象深刻的单曲——《Chocolate》,《Run》和《Spitting Games》。 2005年,乐队初始成员McClenlland离开,贝司手Paul Wilson和键盘手Tom Simpson加入乐队,变成了如今的5人阵容。换血完毕的Snow Patrol为U2乐队担任眩晕巡演(Vertigo Tour)欧洲部分的暖场嘉宾,还参与了“Live 8”演唱会。2006年5月,乐队推出新专辑《Eyes Open》。 .
1. Indie pop band from Omaha. .
UK based Electronica composer, mostly dancey stuff but occasionally crosses over to the darkside and dabbles in experimental noise. Snowy has been making noise with his synths since the mid 80s. Snowy studied Electronics and Electronic Music at the University of Hertfordshire. He then worked for Solid State Logic for a number of years in various engineering roles. Snowy's love of music emerged in his teenage years when he first started to DJ at his local youth club. He has DJ'd on and off since then. Snowy hasn't played live for a number of years now. Snowy says "DJing is...
Snowy White (born on 3 March 1948, as Terence Charles White, in Barnstaple, Devon) is a British blues and rock guitarist, mostly known for having played for Thin Lizzy (permanent member from 1979 to 1981) and for Pink Floyd (as a backup player; he was first invited to join the band through Europe and America, in 1977). His 1983 solo debut album after leaving Thin Lizzy was titled White Flames and spawned the hit single Bird of Paradise. During the following years, White focused on touring extensively with his White Flames band. In 1990, he was invited by the then,...
雏鸟乐队(英语:The Yardbirds)(又译新兵乐队)是一支英国摇滚乐队,在1960年代中期作有一系列热门歌曲,包括For Your Love、Over Under Sideways Down和Heart Full of Soul。该乐队闻名于拥有三名摇滚乐坛最著名的吉他手:埃里克·克莱普顿、杰夫·贝克和吉米·佩奇,这三人都是从这支乐队开始了各自的音乐事业,并都入选了《滚石杂志》“最伟大的100位吉他手”榜单中的前5位(克莱普顿、佩奇和贝克分列第2、3和第5位)。雏鸟乐队基于布鲁斯音乐,风格拓展至流行和摇滚,涉足于1960年代中期电吉他的革新,例如声音回授效果、失真和放大器改进。《Spinner》网站的帕特·彭博顿(Pat Pemberton)认为雏鸟乐队是“摇滚乐历史上最令人印象深刻的吉他乐队”。在乐队于1968年解散后,他们的主音吉他手吉米·佩奇创建了齐柏林飞船。 1992年,雏鸟乐队入选了摇滚名人堂。 .
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Across The Water
My Life Is Easy
There Is A Marriage