Berry Lipman | zh

“超越贝多芬,把这个消息告诉柴柯夫斯基。”   布鲁斯、乡村、一点点的拉丁…在上个世纪五十年代中期,Chuck Berry将这些音乐风格全部融入到了他的个人招牌式的摇滚当中。作为当时的吉他灵魂人物之一,Chuck创造了最基本的12小节摇滚solo的乐句模式,他的吉他licks至今仍被众多的吉他手模仿和研究。他在舞台上弹奏吉他时跳着滑稽的"鸭子步"和煽情的摇摆舞也是让众多歌迷疯狂地爱上吉他音乐的原因。六十年代,两支欧美最受欢迎的摇滚乐队Beatles和the Rolling Stones都受到了Chuck Berry的影响。可以说正是Chuck这位黑人开创了白人摇滚的神话。   忘记"猫王"吧,Chuck Berry才是真正的摇滚乐之父。他汇集布鲁斯和乡村音乐的风格,以激烈的吉他演奏标志着吉他这种乐器开始成为摇滚乐中的重要角色。Berry用大音量的吉他licks和充满暗示的歌词着实把50年代的一本正经的听众们惊呆了。人们从那时开始意识到摇滚乐有着超越贝多芬的力量。显示活力的double stop(在独奏中同时弹奏两个和弦音)和轻松幽默的推弦是他的演奏特点。   Chuck Berry,摇滚乐真正的先行者,凭着一把老吉他在摇滚乐这片待开垦的草原上纵横驰骋,挥洒自如。滚石杂志在吹捧猫王的时候说,“很多人都认为摇滚乐是1954年在孟菲斯诞生的”,但这话绝对经不起推敲,1954年猫王才刚出道,Chuck Berry却已经驾轻就熟地弹着吉他唱起他自己的摇滚作品了。   Chuck Berry有时很像一个马戏团里的表演者:他把吉他放在脑袋后面或者双腿之间弹奏,像鸭子那样走路。他从中享受着莫大的乐趣,一切在他手中,都显得如此的从容自然。当一支乐队开始操练他们的音乐的时候,他们必须听一听Chuck Berry。如果你想学习摇滚乐,如果你想玩摇滚乐,你就得从听Chuck Berry开始,没办法,这是必须完成的功课。”   Chuck Berry创造了青少年们自己的民谣,展现了亚文化群的语言、习俗、风格、态度和日常生活(例如 School Days一曲中表现的枯燥的学校生活)。对于他目睹并经历过的社会病,他也不曾回避:Brown-Eyed Handsome Man一曲中反映的种族歧视问题;Memphis一曲中反映的单亲家庭问题;Too Much Monkey Business一曲中对单调工作的厌烦等等。《The Great Twenty-Eight》是Berry的拉什莫尔(美国南达科他州的一座著名山峰,其上雕刻有华盛顿、杰斐逊、林肯和西奥多·罗斯福的巨大石头像),直至今日,它仍是不容超越的。   Chuck Berry凝缩了1956年摇滚乐迷们对古典音乐的态度。如今摇滚乐的历史并未按照当年乐迷们的最基本的观点写下去。 摇滚乐的历史是由那些诸如Chuck Berry本人等根本不屑一顾、根本不注意他们来自何处,并写出十分美妙音乐的音乐家们写下去的。   作为杰出的词曲作者、歌手和乐手, Chuck Berry已成为以后那些富于自制力的摇滚艺术家们卓越的楷模。如果没有他,The Rolling Stones乐队的Keith Richard乃至Bob Dylan甚至Beatles的出现都是不可想象的。 列农说过:如果要给摇滚乐一个名字,只能是 Chuck Berry。 .
Whiteberry were a five-piece all-girl pop/rock band from Hokkaido, Japan. Although not reaching more than cult status outside of their native country (many American J-pop fans consider them to be a cross between punk pioneers The Ramones and R&B superstars TLC), the group gained a loyal following with their recordings and live performances. The band - vocalist Yuki Maeda, guitarist Aya Inatsuki, bassist Yukari Hasegawa, keyboardist Rimi Mizusawa, and drummer Erika Kawamura - formed in 1994 while the members - all lifelong friends, while Maeda and Kawamura were also cousins - were just starting junior high school. A few years...
1. Japanese band most famous for performing the opening of the anime Spiral. 2. band from Fresno, CA! .
There is more than one artist with this name. 1.STRAWBERRY FIELDS was rock band from Japan, formed in 1988. Former members were: 福井祥史 on vocal (ex. DIZZY from D'ERLANGER), LEZYNA (ex. Justy-Nasty) on guitar, NAOKI (ex. One Night Stand) on bass and SHU-KEN on drums. With this line-up they released only one mini-album, "DANCERAMA". Propably in 1990 NAOKI leaved band and SEISHIRO (ex. カオスモード) joined as new bassist. This line-up didn't changed until their disband in September 25, 1993. Discography: ALBUMS and MINI-ALBUMS: 19XX-XX-XX DANCERAMA 1990-01-25 DANCERAMA (reissue) 1990-09-05 Charme 1991-03-30 nouvelle parfum 1992-02-26 Alibi 1992-12-10 soul flower 1993-03-25 THE... Blackberry creates (unusual) electronic music beyond the mainstream in a wide range of styles from floating, deep ambient & downbeat up to breaks und dub(step)- influenced electronica and Drum’n Bass. His sound is open-minded to a lot of other musical influences and claims the creation of something special, spiced with experimental elements without being too abstractly. His liveacts transferring an energetic version of his unique sound to the audience, resulting in an exciting musical experience for the (mindful) listener. .