ben fero | zh

Cultus Ferox, which in Latin means "Savage way of life", plays medieval-style music with partly original, copied, and even manufactured instruments such as medieval bagpipe, Schalmeien, drums and the most diverse Rammer. The percussion-instrumental style of this group is shaped by the predominantly sound-strong bagpipes, which adds mysticism to the sound. Traditional music from the Middle Ages is played, but they also play their own music. First their music was paganistic, with lyrics of the Germanic religion, but later they turned more and more to real medieval sound and even put e-guitars and electronic in their music. .
Surferosa is a Norwegian pop/rock band comprised of Mariann (vocals and keytar), Andy (synthesizer), Jan Roger (drums), Kjetil (guitar), and Ziggy (bass guitar). They are known for their distinct costumes and trashy electrified pop music. The band was formed in 2000 and are from Telemark, Norway. They became popular in Norway when they won a tour and studio recording in a band contest called So What. According to bandmembers, the bands name is inspired by the Pixies' 1988 debut album, "Surfer Rosa". The vocalist, Mariann, was a judge in the Norwegian Idol 2007. They performed at Idol and Spellemannsprisen with...
If its true that, as Elvis Costello once famously opined, writing about music is like dancing about architecture then describing the music of Ferocious Bubbles may resemble an arc that begins with Isadora Duncan and ends with Merce Cunningham. Its a music that even at its most spare is beautiful and fluid never afraid of abstraction, incident, or the ability to change. At its essence is a vital buoyancy that, despite singer / songwriter Pete Szelenbaums tendency to stay grounded, pulls everything skyward. There are no fixed points even when things seem irrevocably stuck. There are several songs in the...