Arcane Winter | zh

 来自千湖之国芬兰的旋律死亡金属Wintersun(中文叫“冰寒烈日”)。   由封面的凛冽寒意,不难猜出该图意指之地,因地理位置导致冬天如此漫长的千湖之国芬兰,在金属乐上一直是以旋律与键盘见长,永远的旋律力量金属王者Stratovarius,旋律死亡金属顽童Children Of Bodom,金属一姐Tarja Turunen在籍的歌剧交响金属大团Nightwish,早已将此芬兰定律深深烙印在金属乐迷的心中,Wintersun这支乐队也是来自于千湖国的旋律死亡金属新血,充沛流畅的旋律不用再说明了,其史诗般的长篇乐曲揉合着维京人色彩以及斯堪地那维亚民谣元素的鲜明走势,才是令Wintersun快速窜红的主要原因!!   在灵魂人物Jari Mäenpää选择作为Ensiferum(维京圣剑乐团)的逃兵之时,带着维京人的热血组织了一人军团Wintersun,除了鼓手Kai Hahto(Rotten Sound)之外,Jari Mäenpää包办了所有乐器的演奏,整张专辑的概念弦系在Jari的生活、情绪、感官、幻想、梦境之上,开头畅意快感的” Beyond the Dark Sun”,维京热血强袭灌入,新古典的神韵加持,令人瞬间着魔浑然忘我,民族色彩浓厚的” Winter Madness”,早期旋律死金属的气味四溢,长篇幅的古典速弹solo颇有与Children Of Bodom较劲之意,急促激昂的” Battle Against Time”,豪壮的民族合唱述说着漫长的时空摧残,而” Death and the Healing”道出北方民族对于岁月以及宿命的观点。 .
Dark electro band from Innsbruck, Austria. .
Sleep White Winter was a duo from San Diego, California, United States. The band formed in late 2011 and a month later released their debut self recorded/produced EP. The duo consists of Gabe Gomez (guitars, piano) and Bradley Tiffin (guitars, bass, piano, harsh vocals, drums). The teenage post black metal band has a wide variety of influences, ranging from the beautiful dream like melodies of shoe-gazing, to the pure blissfulness of post rock, to the teeth grinding fast tempos of black metal. Similarities are most notably seen in bands like Alcest, Katatonia, Opeth, Wolves in the Throne Room, Amesoeurs. The...
Wintergatan is a band formed by Martin Molin, from Detektivbyrån, in 2012 in Sweden. Martin with Evelina Hägglund, Marcus Sjöberg y David Zanden made instrumental folky electronic music using vibes, accordions, trumpets, drums and guitars. Their first album Wintergatan was released in 2013 For more information visit their official site: .