Anita Nicole | zh

There is several artists named Anita. 1) Anita Heilker is a Dutch singer, who was part of the successful girl-group the Dolly Dots from 1979 until 1985, when she left the band due to her pregnancy. In 1986, however, she released a solo album, The Girl in Black. She also contributed a track to the Disorderlies soundtrack, called Don't Treat Me Like This, written by the team who also had success with Paula Abdul. After that she had parts in a few TV shows, and she provides the voice of Donald Duck in Dutch Disney cartoons. 2) Anita Doth (born...
1) (1996-2007) Vanitas is an Austrian Dark Metal band founded 1996. Their style is quite melodic with loads of keyboard passages and often a female voice as well. They split up on the 2nd January 2007 after trying to revive the band several times for the last couple of months. 2) (2015-Present) Vanitas is a Taiwanese metalcore band founded in 2015. Their lyrics are in Taiwanese Minnan and play along the lines of Taiwanese post-hardcore and metalcore. .
中文名:梅根·妮可   外文名:Megan Nicole   出生日期:1994年9月1日   星座:处女座   出生地:德克萨斯休斯顿   擅长:吉他、钢琴   喜欢的明星:Avril Lavigne、Katy Perry、Lady Gaga等   Megan是三国混血,分别是德国、土耳其和西班牙(在YouTube上有一个视频说明),所以看她有些像亚洲人哦~其实不是的。   相关资料 来自美国德克萨斯州。youtube 翻唱红人。因与jason chen共同翻唱pink的 Raise Your Glass 所被人熟知。被许多网友津津乐道的是其甜美的长相与漂亮的大眼睛。      翻唱作品    You Da One   It Will Rain(个人独唱)   Hit the lights(个人独唱)   The one that got away   who says(新作品,与Tiffany Alvord联手)   Forget You-- Megan Nicole&Jason Chen   Fly   Super Bass-- Megan Nicole&DeStorm    Grenade   Firework   E.T.   Hold My Hand   Pray   Please Don't Go   Price Tag   You and I Both   Raise Your Glass --Megan Nicole&Jason Chen   Like A Star   Club Can't Handle Me   Grenade & Secrets(Medley)   Good Life--Megan Nicole&Alex Goot   Use Somebody (Kings Of Leon Cover)   Just a dream   love the way you lie   Safe And...
Anita Kerr was born in Memphis, Tennessee. When Anita Kerr was 4 years old, she started taking piano lessons. In the 4th grade, Anita Kerr started playing organ in church for mass. When Anita Kerr was 15 years old, she took a radio staff musician job. She also worked with various orchestras in Memphis where she brought her own arrangements for the orchestra to play. Anita Kerr moved to Nashville in 1948 where she formed a 5-voice vocal harmony group for the fun of singing and hearing her own arrangements performed. The program director at WSM heard about Anita Kerr’s...
出生日期:1978年9月29日 星座:天秤座 出生地:夏威夷州檀香山   Nicole是菲律宾藉美国人,在夏威夷出生,父亲是菲律宾人,母亲是夏威夷和俄罗斯混血。Nicole和继父GaryScherzinger、母亲Rosemary和姊妹Ke'ala在肯塔基州长大,妮可用了继父的德国姓氏“Scherzinger”。   Nicole从小就显露出唱歌的天份,在替年轻摇滚乐团DaysOfTheNew演唱Demo带而被发掘出其歌唱的才华,顺利经由电视节目Popstars入选5人女子团体Eden'sCrush,还缔造了一张美国排行Top10专辑。现在是“小野猫”组合(ThePussycatDolls)的主唱,“小野猫”组合是继曾红及全球的“辣妹”组合之后,迅速崛起的新一代辣妹团体,当下也是红及全球拥有超高人气的火爆团体。“小野猫”的单曲都由乐坛顶尖词曲创作名家制作并邀来饶舌悍将BustaRhymes来助阵,更是请到红透半边天的黑眼豆豆团长will.i.am帮腔。想不红火也是件难事啊! 现在Nicole Scherzinger的首张专辑 Her Name is Nicole 正在紧张的制作中.而且已经推出了两首单曲MV,分别是 Whatever You Like和Baby Love.Pussycat Dolls(性感小野猫)主唱Nicole Scherzinger 带来的首张个人单飞专辑"Her Name Is Nicole ",专辑力邀诸多大牌助阵,T.I.、Daddy Yankee、Timbaland、Avant、P. Diddy、Rihanna、Shaggy,专辑中歌曲和PCD时代相比有所不同,但还是依稀有着PCD的风格,无论慢歌快歌,妮可的唱功都毋庸质疑,专辑的可听性非常强,首只与T.I.合作的单曲Whatever U Like早于8月就已经连MV也推出。 日本音乐巨匠林佳树为爱知世博会做的曲I 'LL BE YOUR LOVE也由她来演唱英文版本,同时收录进了她的专辑中。 让我们一起期待 Her Name is Nicole .
找到了 15 歌曲, 持续时间: 57:53
Beautiful Design
Life and Time
Take This Man
Rock With Me
Intentions Intro
Rock With Me
Love That We Found