Sheryl Crow | zh

作为当今主流流行摇滚乐坛最受欢迎的女歌手之一,今年已年过43岁的雪儿·克罗(sheryl crow)在2002年的专辑《C'mon, C'mon》推出时隔三年之后,终于发行了个人的第五张录音室专辑《Wildflower》(野花)。本张新专辑发行首周以14万张的销量名列美国 Billboard专辑榜的亚军位置,与上张专辑《C'mon, C'mon》成绩相同。 虽然从sheryl crow 开始出道,并于1993年发行个人首张专辑《Tuesday Night Music Club》至今已经过去十二个年头,但这位创作型的摇滚女星对乐迷的吸引力却始终没有改变。地球人都知道,如今的sheryl crow正在与七届“环法车王”朗斯·阿姆斯特朗(Lance Armstrong)热恋之中,而两人已经在《Wildflower》发行的当月宣布订婚。热恋中的人往往都是甜蜜的,因此本张新作《Wildflower》中的大多数歌曲与crow的成名作《All I Wanna Do》以及另一首代表作《Everyday Is a Winding Road》相比,显得更加的温暖,抒情了。正如sheryl crow在专辑发行之前接受采访时说的那样,自己在《Wildflower》做的音乐就是像偶像尼尔·杨(Neil Young)经典专辑《Harvest》那样的传统的民谣摇滚。在sheryl crow的歌曲中,从来都不缺少动听的音符和富有含义的歌词。从专辑同名歌曲《Wildflower》的前奏和弦中,我们可以依稀看到Aerosmith经典名曲《Dream On》的影子;而在专辑当中最早发行的单曲《Good is Good》中,crow则阐述了她对当今日益发展的社会中日渐疏远的人际关系这个问题的看法...... 清新的木吉他,优美的旋律,背景还配以恰到好处的弦乐,其实对于听众来说,一切已经OK了,只是......略显遗憾的是,这朵如今已成熟绽放的“花”确实不如以前那么“Wild”了。希望这朵已经找到了归宿,无需再等待采摘的“野花”今后能够带给我们更好听的音乐! .
GARNET CROW是来自日本的四人乐团。所属公司为GIZA Studio。中村由利(主唱 &作曲),和十分活跃于乐曲创作的 AZUKI七(键盘手&作词),以及曾经担任过数位歌手的编曲者-古井弘人(键盘手&编曲者),再加上从事studiomuscial(广播电视的演播放者)的工作有相当不错成绩的冈本仁志(guitar),这四位具有相当人气的创作家,在经营广播事业时,因同为新音乐创作而意气相投,以red way studio这个新乐团的身份而开始活跃着。 .
Crown The Empire is a 6-piece post-hardcore/metalcore band from Dallas Texas. Starting in 2010, the band set out with a goal to separate themselves in a genre often cluttered with copy-cat bands. They combined their love for the hardcore genre with infectious, loud, and powerful choruses of generations before their own, and ultimately created a fresh new approach to heavier music. Combined with an equal drive to connect with every last one of their fans, they hope to use whatever notoriety they receive to spread a simple message of belief in yourself, and hope in others. Their debut EP "Limitless"...
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Scarecrow was a classic old-school post-punk/goth in the Siouxsie vein, New York City's Scarecrow highlighted Beth Balousek's icy, menacing female vocals, wed to tribal drums and spiky, swirling guitar and bass interludes. Forming at the end of 1983, the quartet known as Scarecrow could legitimately claim to be New York City's very first gothic band, just ahead of Of a Mesh, and they were a huge influence on later local bands in the same style such as The Naked and the Dead and The Ochrana. A stellar three-song demo appeared...
The beginnings of Crowd date back to 1998 in Kuldīga, lately the band were based in Rīga, Latvia. A big leap forward came in 2000 when lead singer Jana joined the band. Her voice and attitude completely changed the band's sound and performance style. Crowd worked on improving their unique sound for a couple of years. The payback for this hard work came in 2004, when the band earned many awards at unsigned band contests and festivals in Latvia. The most important award was the Grand Prix at Sinepes un Medus 2004'. This victory gave a chance to record and...