Ngọc Lan | zh

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Maria Lê Thanh Lan (Nha Trang, 28 December 1956 - California, 6 March 2001), better known by the stage name Ngọc Lan, was a very famous overseas Vietnamese singer and lyricist. Ngọc Lan was considered as one of two "Queens of New Wave" (with fellow singer Kiều Nga). She conquered the genre itself, as well as the overseas Vietnamese music scence during the period of the late 80s to the early 90s. She also sang many Vietnamese-translated French-language hits and original love songs written by Đức Huy and Trịnh Công Sơn.

As a youth living in Nha Trang, Ngọc Lan studied music and performed at various local events. She came to the United States in 1980 and settled in Minnesota. Two years later, Ngọc Lan left for California where most of the entertainment activities are located.

She began singing at local cafés such as Đỉnh Thiêng and Hoài Hương. Eventually, Ngọc Lan's fame grew as she began to have quite a following in southern California. Ngọc Lan recorded her first successful studio albums under the label Giáng Ngọc: Người Yêu Dấu (1987) & Tình Ta (1988). She collaborated with Ritz night club and became well known to the general public. Ngọc Lan is loved for her unforgettable voice and her stage presence.

Ngọc Lan is probably the most mysterious singer in the Vietnamese music industry. In 1993, she suddenly disappeared causing many people to speculate on her career. She re-emerged in 1994 in the concert, "Ngọc Lan và Thính Giả Thương Yêu" in Anaheim California. That night, many of her fans noted that Ngọc Lan was somewhat lost in her own thoughts. Many attributed this to the sudden passing of her sister only months prior to her return to the stage. The year 1994 also marked another significant change in Ngọc Lan's life as she announced her marriage to a fellow artist the same year.

Ngọc Lan was the pioneer of making music videos and singing catchy love medleys at that time. Her two famous video tapes, Như Em Đã Yêu Anh (1989) & Mặt Trời Bên Kia Mùa Hạ (1991), were very critically acclaimed back in the day. Ngọc Lan had collaborated with many artists in her career: Kiều Nga, Như Mai, Thúy Vi, Trung Hành, Duy Quang, Tuấn Ngọc, Don Hồ, Trịnh Nam Sơn, Đức Huy, Nhật Trường, Lệ Thu, Elvis Phương,... and recorded CDs for record labels such as Mây Productions, Asia, Dạ Lan, Người Đẹp Bình Dương, Tình, Diễm Xưa & Hải Âu. She also wrote Vietnamese-translated lyrics for a lot of her songs, some of which were later re-recorded by younger generation of singers: Hỡi Người Tình, Ngày Vui Năm Ấy & Người. Ta Say, a duet album with Duy Quang, was the final studio album released by Ngọc Lan via her own record label, Ngọc Lan Musique.
Ngọc Lan has also appeared on many stages worldwide and musical shows such as Hollywood Night, Asia and Paris By Night.

Ngọc Lan passed away at 8:25AM on Tuesday March 6, 2001, at Vencor Hospital in Southern California. She was borned in 1957. Her maiden name was Maria Lê Thanh Lan. At 44, Ngọc Lan is leaving behind many fond memories of her sweet and lovely voice for her beloved fans. It will linger on as a musical legacy for a long time to come. .


