LaVern Baker | zh

Chet Baker,一个俊朗迷人的美男子,一个爵士乐历史上的早熟天才,一位出色的冷爵士小号演奏家,同时也是一位优秀的爵士歌手,他用极具魅力的表达方式掩饰了他天生嗓音条件的不足.Baker英俊的外形酷似一名电影明星,然而他却在50年代中期染上了吸毒,从此毒瘾一直伴随着他的后半生。   Chet Baker自幼学习音乐,1952年他退伍在西海岸曾与Charlie Parker有过接触,随后他便加入了”Gerry Mulligan四重奏”小组,这支小组很快便在爵士乐坛建立了自己的声望.当Mulligan因携带毒品被捕后,Baker与钢琴演奏家Russ Free一起创建了自己的四重奏小组.1955年,Baker在欧洲各国进行了巡演活动,他也因此在小号演奏和演唱两个方面引起了乐迷的广泛关注,正在Baker事业处于急速上升阶段,他却于1960年被关进了意大利监狱,为了强行戒毒,Baker被敲下了所有的牙齿,这样一来他也只能暂时告别乐坛。   70年代,Baker悄悄重返乐坛,他在这段期间过着类似游牧式的生活,他频繁往返于欧洲各国,.Baker始终无法摆脱毒瘾,虽然在此期间他小号演奏技艺不断提高并且录制了大量的专辑,但论其艺术价值却毫无建树。   1988年5月13日,Chet Baker在阿姆斯特丹坠楼身亡,他的突然去世令爵士乐坛震惊和惋惜,曾有人声称:Chet Baker本可以成为像Charlie Parker那样伟大的演奏家,但毒品把他引向了另一方。   他虽然未写过一首乐曲,但他的创意却完全流露在他对乐器的驾御和对音乐的演绎中。他的演奏常常能为一首乐曲注入灵性,令它出现全新面貌,为听者带来前所未有的感染力。 Raotao的两条修改意见: 第一点需要说明的是:“为了强行戒毒,Baker被敲下了所有的牙齿”是明显的错误! 敲掉所有的牙齿或者嘴唇无助于任何与戒毒相关的事情。 正确的是:Chet Baker失去了他的前排牙齿在一次与毒贩的街头打斗中。 希望补充的第二点是: 作为一个Chet的爱好者,我们对他生命后期(由辉煌转为黯淡)的录音倍加珍爱, 因为那些沙哑漏风的声音和听起来不那么有力的小号吹奏浸透着一个垂暮而失败的老男人历尽沧桑的挫败感,这种乐曲对人内心深处情感的摧毁力更甚于年轻时那些略显轻佻的罗曼蒂克曲风。 后者可以轻易地被Chris Botti这些同样俊俏高贵的小年青取代。 而Chet是无法取代的,All the Time! .
Bakermat, an alias for young dutch producer Lodewijk Fluttert, had a quick rise. In just three months he gained a lot of views, likes and followers with his productions. He always had an obsession with music, in many genres. The young Bakermat was into jazz and blues and discovered house music when he was around 12. By fanatically listening to every track that was posted on blogspots he soon had a huge library built up. At the age of 18, he went to the University of Utrecht to study Psychology and to finally live on his own with other students....
Based in Leeds, Northern England, Simon Baker was introduced to many through his beating anthem Plastik released on Playhouse last summer finding favour with everyone from Sven Vath to Sasha and voted no 3 track of the year by Resident Advisor. This year see the man behind the Infant Recordings imprint release an exclusive track for the seminal Cocoon box set and remix Simian Mobile Disco and Radioslave's Bell Clap Dance. Simon holds residencies at a number of the UK's acclaimed underground House nights including Asylum & Technique at The Warehouse Leeds, and DDD at The Key , London. Simon...
Delores LaVern Baker (November 11, 1929 – March 10, 1997) was an American rhythm and blues singer, who had several hit records on the pop chart in the 1950s and early 1960s. Her most successful records were "Tweedlee Dee" (1955), "Jim Dandy" (1956), and "I Cried a Tear" (1958). Baker was born in Chicago, Illinois. She is occasionally referred to as Delores Williams because of an early marriage to Eugene Williams; in the late 1940s she was identified in RCA Victor record company files as "D. L. McMurley." She was the niece of blues singer Merline Johnson and was also...
Anita Baker (born January 26, 1958, in Toledo, Ohio) is a soul and adult contemporary Rhythm and blues singer. With her classy, refined brand of romantic soul, Anita Baker was one of the definitive quiet storm singers of the '80s. Gifted with a strong, supple alto, Baker was influenced not only by R&B, but jazz, gospel, and traditional pop, which gave her music a distinctly adult sophistication. Smooth and mellow, but hardly lifeless, it made her one of the most popular romantic singers of her time. Baker was born January 26, 1958, in Toledo, OH, and raised in nearby Detroit,...
找到了 92 歌曲, 持续时间: 04:25:25
That's All I Need
Why Baby Why
Why Baby Why
Mine All Mine
Why Baby Why
Без названия
Tweedle Dee
Tomorrow Night
28 You'd Better Find Yourself Another Fool
Everybody's Somebody's Fool
Why Don't You Do Right
Let Me Belong To You
Tweedle Dee
Born To Loose
Born To Lose
19 - Saved - 1954-1963 - The Platinum Collection
Slow Rollin' Mama
Saved 1961
Tweedlee Dee
Tomorrow Night
Pledging My Love
See See Rider (1962)
Call Me Darling
I'll Never Be Free
LaVern Baker & Jackie Wilson Think Twice
Tweedle Dee (OST The Departed, 2006)
How Can You Leave A Man Like This
Love Is Ending
Без названия
Think Twice (X-Version)
Batman to the rescue
How Can You Leave A Man Like This
I Cried A Tear (1959)
That Lucky Old Sun
Play It Fair
[143] On Revival Day
You've Been Cancelled
Batman To The Rescue
After You've Gone
Flip Flop and Fly
Happiness Forever
That Lucky Old Sun
That Lucky Old Sun
St Louis Blues